
Category: Profile

HOF Agrees on Agre

GARRISON – Kyle Agre of Fargo is the newest member of the North Dakota Fishing Hall of Fame. Agre was inducted during the rules meeting prior to the start of the recent Governor’s Walleye Cup tournament. His lengthy list of accomplishments made him an obvious choice for the HOF board of directors. The partner and […]
by Kim Fundingsland
July 19, 2022

Elected Officials’ Families: Tim Mathern’s Daughter

FARGO — Senator Tim Mathern, D-Dis.11, has been in the North Dakota Senate since 1987. Reba Mathern-Jacobson, his daughter and mother of three from Fargo, described what she felt when she was in high school, and her father ran for a House seat and lost. “I remember, as a kid, feeling like that was just […]
by Lydia Hoverson
July 15, 2022

Elected Officials’ Families: Kevin Cramer’s Wife

NORTH DAKOTA – Senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota has been politically active for many years, as his wife, Kris Cramer, described. He has been Chair of the North Dakota Republican Party from 1991 to 1993, a member of the North Dakota Public Service Commission from 2003 to 2012, a member of the U.S. House […]
by Lydia Hoverson
July 8, 2022

Minot Teen Performs Her Way to Scholarship

BISMARCK — A Minot teen recently won a scholarship through a high school performance competition in Bismarck called "Battle of the Bands". Though facing five other competitors with a variety of performances, Central High student Madie Roberts, 15, youngest performer at the competition, won the show with her three original songs she played on guitar […]
by Lydia Hoverson
June 27, 2022

Elected Officials’ Families: Oley Larsen’s Wife

MINOT — Former Senator Oley Larsen, R-Dis. 3, was in the North Dakota Senate from 2011 to 2021, before he stepped down. Liz Larsen, his wife, described what she thought when her husband decided to run. “I think the word would be ‘disbelief’ that he wanted to do it, and then when he wanted to […]
by Lydia Hoverson
June 24, 2022

Making a Difference: Minot Elks Lodge

MINOT — Helping people in the community has been a part of the Minot Elks Lodge’s mission for more than a century – veterans, military families, children, and more. Carolyn Bodell, secretary at Elks Lodge, said it has run in her family, as her husband, father, brother, and herself have all been members for several […]
by Lydia Hoverson
June 11, 2022

Home on the Road

GARRISON — Sell the house, buy a motorhome, and hit the road. Who does that? Well, Stuart and Sandra Weber did exactly that, and they are thoroughly enjoying the experience. Their latest stop in their quest to volunteer in all 50 states is Fort Stevenson State Park. “We sold our home in 2015 and have […]
by Kim Fundingsland
June 7, 2022

Locals on the Big Screen

MINOT — GRIT2 is headed for the big screen. The film features five Prairie Grit Adoptive Sports participants during actual hunts conducted by Prairie Grit’s Outdoor Division. The feature film is the work of Aaron Esquibel, Minot. This year’s film follows the success of GRIT1 a year ago. “This year we have everything from hunting […]
by Kim Fundingsland
May 8, 2022

Making a Difference: Souris Valley United Way

A Charity that Helps Charities MINOT — Charities vary in many ways, some specializing in helping specific situations, while others, such as the Souris Valley United Way, specialize in backing up other non-profit organizations. “United Way got its original start in Denver Colorado,” said Executive Director of the Souris Valley United Way Rich Berg. “There […]
by Lydia Hoverson
May 7, 2022

JunkAholics at It Again

MINOT — The Granville JunkAholics are at it again with their 11th annual JunkLover Vintage Market! Also known as the junk sale, the JunkLover Vintage Market is an event every spring, the first Saturday of May, which sells refurbished “junk” at the North Dakota State Fairgrounds. The JunkAholics also host a fall sale, Junkin’ in […]
by Lydia Hoverson
May 5, 2022

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