

Category: Letters to the Editor

The Dakotan welcomes the opinions of our readers in the form of letters to the editor, as long as the submissions are not in bad taste and refrain from attacking individuals without supporting documentation or a rational and legally defensible justification.

We reserve the sole discretion to decide whether or not a submission will be published. If your letter is selected, we will only publish it once.

All letters to the editor must include complete name, address, and telephone number for verification purposes. No anonymous letters will be accepted.

We reserve the right to edit letters for the sake of grammar, spelling, and potentially libelous statements. This does not mean all letters are edited — most probably won’t be, but at The Dakotan, we reserve that right.

We currently have no word limit on letters we will publish. However, please bear in mind: the briefer the better. It takes more time and effort to write a good, brief letter than to write a long, rambling one. A focused, brief letter is more likely to attract and keep readers and is therefore more likely to get published.

Lastly, The Dakotan will not publish any political campaign endorsement letters.

Readers can contact by email at .

Recycling Recycling

Letter to the Editor During the summer of 2023 Minot launched a new recycling program. There are residents of our city who feel strongly about recycling and the potential impacts it can have on our environment. Some see it as a way to lessen the load on our current landfill and to avoid potential costs […]
by The Dakotan
February 9, 2024

Letter from City Council Candidate Mike Blessum

Why am I running for the city council?I have always been interested in politics. My paternal grandmother, Maxine Dinnetz, was the first female city council member in Minot in the late 60s. My maternal grandmother, Arlene Sauceda, was a precinct committeewoman in the Democrat Party while I was growing up. I was a district chair […]
by The Dakotan
February 3, 2024

Letter to the Editor

Regarding the Opinion letter on October 5th ND Officials Oppose Term LimitsI find it humorous (but not surprising) that a collection of ‘professional politicians’ felt the need to come out against term limits. I mean seriously, who has the most to lose if this Measure goes through? Would YOU be high-fiving a measure that could […]
by The Dakotan
January 31, 2024

Citizen Calls Councilwoman Coward

Laments Lack of Action How do you spell coward? E-v-a-n-s.  Monday evening I was requested to attend the city council meeting at 5:30. Not having been in the new chambers, I went a little early. Carrie Evans and I arrived at the same time. We both saw the large number of people already in attendance. […]
by The Dakotan
June 12, 2023

OPINION: Support Highway 52 Four-lane 

Letter to the Editor  Important info for those too young to remember the building of the Interstate Highway System:  President Eisenhower, a retired army 5-star general knew the importance of a first-class road system (moving troops and equipment) when he came into office in January of 1953. One of his first goals was to build […]
by The Dakotan
March 29, 2023

Term Limits Should Remain as Is 

A record 46,000 North Dakotans signed petitions to have a term limits measure placed on the November 2022 general election ballot. The result – 150,363 voters approved it with a 63.43% vote, applying term limits to our legislature and governor. This included majorities in every single legislative district and every county in the state.  Sadly, ND […]
by The Dakotan
March 28, 2023

An Open Letter to The Forum’s (Fargo) Rob Port  

March 8, 2023   Dear Rob,   I’m writing this letter to clear up a number of inaccuracies that you’ve recently published in your columns in relation to myself and the District 2 Republicans. It’s terribly unfortunate that your integrity is so severely lacking that you apparently don’t even bother taking the time to try […]
by The Dakotan
March 9, 2023

Letter Supporting Term Limits 

Election Day November 8  A YES vote on Measure 1 will be good for North Dakota. It would apply an 8-year term limit to the ND Governor, and members of the State House and State Senate.  Term limits improve citizen access to the process, encourage more candidates to run, and increase voter participation in elections. They […]
by The Dakotan
November 4, 2022

ND Officials Oppose Term Limits 

Letter dated Oct. 5, 2022   North Dakotans will vote on a measure this fall to limit the governor and state legislators to two four-year terms. While some of us support term limits, others oppose. However, we unanimously agree that voters should reject this ill-conceived measure. Its overly restrictive design will result in worse not […]
by The Dakotan
October 7, 2022

Letter to the Editor

Term Limits on Ballot The North Dakota Supreme Court ruled term limits should be on the ballot. As Chair of the term limits Committee, I want the facts to be known. Unproven allegations of fraud were rejected by an unanimous 5-0 majority of the North Dakota Supreme Court. The highest court in our state – […]
by The Dakotan
September 15, 2022
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