Upside Down Under: Happy Birthday Jim Hillestad…

There was a photograph in last week’s Kenmare News showing local man Jim Hillestad with his son Kelly and daughter Terri at his birthday party. That’s not so unusual, but what is unusual is that Jim turned 102 in late April. Kelly lives with his dad in Kenmare while Terri flew in from Australia to […]
by Marvin Baker
May 8, 2022

Rear End Crash Near Gwinner

The North Dakota Highway Patrol said that two women were injured in a rear end collision near Gwinner Saturday afternoon. According to the NDHP, Amber Ramsey, 35, driving a car at the speed limit, hit the back of a pickup that Marlynn Zetocha, 69, was driving at a slow speed with hazard lights on in […]
by Lydia Hoverson
May 7, 2022

Burgum Roundtable

MINOT — Friday was a busy day for Governor Burgum and his staff. Their trip to Minot started with the ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of Phase Ml-1 of the Souris River Flood Protection Project. Then it was off to a quick lunch with Senator John Hoeven and other dignitaries, and according to Gov. Burgum […]
by Jonathan Starr
May 7, 2022

Sunnyside Superheroes take on 5k

MINOT — When you ask someone what the definition of a superhero is, you usually get an answer that would include someone with special powers like Batman or Captain America. If you were to ask Sara Medalen however, she would tell you that the kids she works with every day at Sunnyside Elementary are superheroes. Yesterday, […]
by Tayton Hjelmstad
May 7, 2022

Making a Difference: Souris Valley United Way

A Charity that Helps Charities MINOT — Charities vary in many ways, some specializing in helping specific situations, while others, such as the Souris Valley United Way, specialize in backing up other non-profit organizations. “United Way got its original start in Denver Colorado,” said Executive Director of the Souris Valley United Way Rich Berg. “There […]
by Lydia Hoverson
May 7, 2022

Northern Celebrations: Paddlefish – a survivor of time   

They’re a treasure, a living fossil surviving millions of years found in only one part of North America. And some call North Dakota home. They’re paddlefish, a massive, prehistoric fish scientists trace back to the Cretaceous Period 65 million years ago. Only one other paddlefish species found in Asia exists outside of the large, slow-flowing […]
by Jonathan Starr
May 7, 2022

Property Damage Crash Closes I-29 Ramp

GRAND FORKS — The North Dakota Highway Patrol says a tipped trailer caused a temporary closure to an entrance ramp of Interstate-29 Friday morning. According to the NDHP, Mauricio Jimenez-Flores, 22, Oklahoma City, OK was driving a pick-up west on U.S. Highway 2/Gateway Drive in Grand Forks, pulling a gooseneck flatbed trailer loaded with a […]
by Nicole DesRosier
May 6, 2022

Minot Celebrates Phase MI-1 Flood Protection

MINOT — Governor Doug Burgum and Senator John Hoeven, along with Souris River Joint Board and City of Minot staff, gathered by the 4th Avenue North floodwall entrance to celebrate the completion of the Phase MI-1 project at a ribbon cutting Friday morning. Phase MI-1 is just one of the many phases in the Mouse […]
by Lydia Hoverson
May 6, 2022

NDistinct Chatter: Embrace Every Day with Mom

I like to think that this column is maybe a tiny moment of levity in a world that is growing increasingly darker, filled more and more with anger, hostility, anxiety and sadness. I’m feeling all those things, too; I can assure you. However, my usual intention in this space is to hopefully put some smiles […]
by Kelly Hagen
May 6, 2022

Mother's Day Tribute

Mother’s Day is fast approaching the world, much as everything else is approaching, fast! Mother’s Day in a small community brings back memories of the moms that did the opposite, they slowed down enough to take time to not only raise their own children but create fond memories and examples to every child in our […]
by Tisa Peek
May 6, 2022

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