Murder to Manslaughter to Jail

MINOT — A Minot man removed his suit coat, was handcuffed, and promptly escorted to jail following an appearance in a Ward County courtroom Wednesday. Erik Steven Rod, 43, entered a guilty plea to a charge of manslaughter during a plea agreement hearing. Rod was initially charged with murder, a AA felony punishable by life […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 20, 2022

City Hears Presentation on Anne Street Bridge

MINOT — The Minot City Council heard a presentation about the possible reconstruction of Anne Street Bridge on Monday. Lance Meyer, city engineer, said if the project is approved, the bridge would probably be completely redone and is projected to cost $5.4 million. “We could probably try to find a way to save a portion […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 20, 2022

Four People Injured in Rollover

BUFFALO — The North Dakota Highway Patrol says four people were injured in a rollover accident near Buffalo Wednesday. According to the NDHP, Terry Almer, 62, Fargo was driving on Highway 38 and lost control causing the van to roll. There was snow falling at the time, and the road was covered with snow and […]
by The Dakotan
April 20, 2022
In the Opinion of Michael Connelly

Letter to the Editor

The political class is up in arms over a proposed ballot measure to limit the terms of the governor and state legislators.  First, they derided the concept as flawed and told us that the ballot box is how we limit their time in office.  Now, the offices of the secretary of state and attorney general […]
by Mike Blessum
April 20, 2022

Trinity Health Foundation Launches Capital Campaign

MINOT — Trinity Health Foundation is excited to announce the launch of a $15 million Capital Campaign for the new Trinity Health Healthcare Campus and Medical District. The Trinity Health Foundation’s $15 million commitment toward the $520.5 million project will be used in conjunction with bond proceeds of $328 million and cash generated from Trinity […]
by The Dakotan
April 20, 2022

Saving on Groceries Part 3: Cook from Scratch

In our attempt to lower the grocery bill we've covered things like shop with a list, have a super pantry and cut down on food waste. These all sound like Grandma skills. And the truth is, these are things your grandma did. If your Grandma lived during the depression (like mine did), she learned all […]
by Charlene Nelson
April 20, 2022

Summary of Deer Season Success

A total of 57,086 North Dakota deer hunters took approximately 32,793 deer during the 2021 deer gun hunting season, according to a post-season survey conducted by the state Game and Fish Department. Game and Fish made available 72,200 deer gun licenses last year. Overall hunter success was 57%, with each hunter spending an average of […]
by The Dakotan
April 20, 2022

Storm Statistics

BISMARCK — The recent blizzard that tore through much of the state was certainly one for the memory, and it set, or nearly set, new records for snowfall at many locations. The National Weather Service has compiled data from the storm, showing just how impactful the storm was from a historical perspective. In addition, many […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 19, 2022

County Rejects TIF for Renovation of Big M Building

MINOT — The Ward County Commissioners rejected the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for the remodeling of the Midwest Federal Big M building on Tuesday with a vote of three against and two for it. Commissioner John Fjedahl explained why he voted it down, “One of the questions I have is, the county was not a […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 19, 2022

ND Inventor Receives Newest Version of Lens He Created

MINOT — North Dakota native and inventor Bill Isaacson developed the world's first bifocal or multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) in 1987. The high-tech lens has been implanted during cataract surgeries throughout the world, restoring visual clarity to millions. Now, three decades later he will finally get to experience his own invention. The Stanley, ND, resident […]
by The Dakotan
April 19, 2022

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