Published March 8, 2024

Sen. Cramer Denounces Biden Speech

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan
Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-ND (Photo: submitted)
Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-ND (Photo: submitted)

Responds to President’s 2024 State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer, R-ND, issued the following statement after President Biden delivered his 2024 State of the Union address.

“I thought it was the worst State of the Union address I have ever listened to or sat through.

We listened to an unhinged, angry, bitter old man screaming and pointing his finger at all his naughty children instead of taking responsibility for the messes he caused. He is pretending the economy is okay after he drove inflation up to near double digits, over 20% in his three years. He drives the crime rate up with the cutting of police departments and the wide-open border where he put out the welcome sign to all the illegals, thugs, cartels, and human traffickers. Then he blames Congress for the very things he did on his first day in office, talking about the need for more regulation and more taxes at a time when we have been regulated and taxed to death, destroying American companies, jobs, and opportunities. Then you have this geopolitical nonsense.

This guy has made us a laughingstock in the world, and we have wars breaking out all over the place. His weakness and response to everything from the Houthis and Vladimir Putin to Hamas, it is just remarkable how the rewrite of history tried to take place last night, except that nobody is buying it. People know their own circumstances. They can see the problems and the crime in the streets, and they feel unsafe. This all happened in the last three years under the watch of Joe Biden.

“He is Donald Trump obsessed. I have never quite seen a candidate running for re-election spend his hour on national television as the President of the United States giving the State of the Union, dividing people worse than he did with his class, race, and political warfare. Donald Trump probably owes Joe Biden a bunch of money for rent, because he is clearly living in whatever space there is in his head. It was painful to watch. I almost felt badly for the old guy. I hope we can keep it together as a nation until we can make a change in the White House.”

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