Published November 4, 2022

Large Turnout at Dakota Patriot Rally 

Written by
Kim Fundingsland
| The Dakotan
Lt. Col. Daniel Gade speaks to the crowd at the Dakota Patriot Rally in Minot. (Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)
Lt. Col. Daniel Gade speaks to the crowd at the Dakota Patriot Rally in Minot. (Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)

Decorated speaker delivers strong message 

MINOT – What was promoted as an evening to join fellow patriots proved to be a very large gathering at the State Fair Center Thursday evening. The Dakota Patriot Rally featured Lt. Col. Daniel MacArthur Gade as the featured speaker. 

Gade was born in Minot and graduated from Minot High School in 1993. While serving as a tank company commander in Ramadi, Iraq in 2005 he suffered two battle wounds which resulted in the amputation of his right leg. The Bronze Star and Legion of Merit recipient is currently a Virginia resident but said it was good to be back in North Dakota. 

“Let’s get patriots together to do fun things together,” said Gade before taking to the stage and addressing the crowd. “This is a chance to rally patriots, talk about our values, and make new friends. Then we go forward trying to make America a better place.” 

When it came to politics, Gade was very clear. The former Virginia Senate candidate said, “If we don’t have good people in our politics, then we are going to continue to have bad politics. At the national level, we’re seeing that right now with record inflation, unnecessary wars. That’s a consequence of electing people that we can’t trust.” 

The audience was very attentive when Gade was introduced and approached the podium, a crutch under each arm. While the crowd listened intently to every word, several times they burst into applause after hearing Gade deliver some memorable lines. 

Lt. Col. Daniel Gade, Dakota Patriot Rally (Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)

Lt. Col. Daniel Gade: 

“Rights come from God and not government.” 

“Fight for values at the ballot box, not in the streets.” 

“Next week we are going to take back the House, probably the Senate, and in 2024 the presidency.” 

“The issue of self-defense, we all have the right to defend ourselves.” 

“Even free speech is under attack.” 

The biggest applause from the gathering of patriots during Gade’s speech appeared to come when he told the gathering, “I’m thrilled by the way, thrilled, that the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade.” 

As Gade wrapped up his talk, he noted the current divisive politics in the country and urged some coming together. He followed by telling the story of when he lost his leg and how the surgeons trying to save him had used the entire supply of available blood in doing so. Then, said Gade, they went into a mess hall and asked for blood donors. Twenty-five quickly responded. 

“They saved my life,” said Gade. “Straight, gay, white, black, Army, Navy, Marines, right, left, it didn’t matter.” 

The evening concluded with a live auction that included many patriotic-themed items. 

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