Published July 19, 2022

Antler Outlaws

Written by
Tisa Peek
| The Dakotan

ANTLER -- Way up by the Canadian border, in Bottineau County, is this little town. Fields of crops line the highway, trees are abundant, and rodeo action was alive this past weekend, July 16-17. The Antler Outlaws and Rough Rider Rodeo Association hosted their 3rd Annual rodeo together.

Antler Community Building (Photo: Antler Outlaws)

The Antler Outlaws sprung into existence in 2005 with the purpose to enhance and benefit the Antler Community. In the 1970’s, the Antler community historical pavilion was destroyed. Campouts, family gatherings, feeds and dances were just a part of what the pavilion was home to.

“There was some donation money left over from the Antler Centennial, years back. The Antler Outlaws had the idea to use this money and recreate the once standing, historic pavilion at Antler Memorial Park,” explained Janet Asheim, Antler community member.

The Antler Centennial Committee and the Antler Outlaws made this idea a reality and created a structure at the Antler Memorial Park. The building established an enclosed area for the public to use for year-round activities and gatherings.

As time went on, the Memorial Park has also become home to a beautiful rodeo and event arena.

“My family and I had been long producers of ranch rodeos throughout North Dakota,” said Lynn Asheim, Antler Outlaw committee member. “After we built the new pavilion, we set up a makeshift arena on the south side of Antler, which lasted three years. The arena moved locations and is now permanent. The Memorial Park and arena evolved and now hosts many youth rodeos, Little Britches rodeos, and is home to the annual Antler Rodeo sanctioned with the Rough Rider Rodeo Association.”

“Every year in September, Antler is home to a one-day trail ride as a featured part of Antler Outlaw Days,” added Asheim. “We have been having this event for about 35 years. A hundred to two hundred riders usually attend. Riders, horse drawn wagons, and many North Dakotans travel across a mile of stubble field into groves of trees and trails with a chili feed in the middle of it all. The day of riding ends with a steak feed and dance as well. All of this is open to the public.”

Antler Outlaw Days (Photo: Antler Outlaws)

“Saturday night had a great crowd here in Antler. Even in the heat, they showed up. The American flag was hung proud, like most rodeos, and the stock was really good,” exclaimed Frank Fitzgerald, stock contractor foreman for J-H Timed Event Cattle.

 Rough Rider Rodeo Association is a membership and family-orientated rodeo association based in North Dakota. The union of small-town communities such as Antler, keep the Association and rodeo alive and flourishing across the state.

For more information and upcoming events, visit: Antler Outlaws on Facebook.

Results and information on the rodeo can be found at:

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