Published December 16, 2023

‘A Pretty Open-And-Shut Case’: Former MSNBC Commentator Predicts Hunter Biden Conviction

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The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

Harold Hutchison on December 15, 2023 (Daily Caller News Foundation)

A senior writer for National Review and former MSNBC commentator said the case against Hunter Biden was “pretty open-and-shut” and predicted a conviction Friday.

Special counsel David Weiss secured a nine-count indictment of Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, for failing to pay over $1 million in taxes from 2016 to 2019 on Dec. 7; Biden also faces charges of illegally possessing a firearm while using illegal drugs and for making false statements in the course of purchasing the firearm, and entered a “not guilty” plea in a federal court in Wilmington, Delaware Oct. 3. “The whistleblowers who alleged that Hunter Biden had defrauded the government and that that there was a certain amount of exposure that he should face that he was not, in a conspicuous fashion, I thought to be true,” Noah Rothman told “America’s Newsroom” co-host Bill Hemmer.

“We’ve seen now that these charges that are coming out of California against Hunter Biden probably wouldn’t have happened in the absence of that testimony,” Rothman continued. “So there’s a certain amount of credibility that Mr. Shapley has, and I wouldn’t defer to him.”

Rothman also said that Hunter Biden’s defiant press conference Wednesday, when he ignored a congressional subpoena, would probably hurt President Biden.

“Hunter Biden is attempting to help his father, who’s facing a congressional investigation for obstructing Congress, by refusing to abide by a congressional subpoena. You are not helping, Hunter! You are making things a little bit worse,” Rothman said. “And Hunter Biden is facing charges now that are very easy to convict on. This is a pretty open-and-shut case.”

“There are no extenuating circumstances that say, ‘Well, I should have paid $1.4 million in taxes, I instead spent it on fast cars, fancy clothes, women and illicit narcotics,’” Rothman continued. “That’s a sort of thing that gets a conviction, which presents a profound political conundrum to his father.”

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley similarly said President Biden lied about his knowledge of Hunter Biden’s business dealings. “The fact is that this indictment shatters years of denials by the Bidens and frankly, by an enabling media,” Turley told Fox News host Sean Hannity in a Dec. 7 appearance on Fox News.

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