Published May 23, 2023

A Million Pounds of Refuse 

Written by
Kim Fundingsland
| The Dakotan
Trucks line up at the entrance to the Minot landfill to unload. (Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)
Trucks line up at the entrance to the Minot landfill to unload. (Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)

Record Clean-up Week 

MINOT -- Residents responded to the city’s latest clean-up week by filling boulevards with tons of unwanted items. Spring clean-up week was May 8-12. 

Clean-up week is held twice yearly in the city. It allows people to place unwanted items curbside where city crews will pick them up and haul them away to the landfill. Old lawnmowers, appliances, tires – just about anything can be tossed out to be hauled away. 

The most recent clean-up week was a record setter with more than 574 tons, 1.1 million pounds of items picked up by the city. That broke the old mark by 21 tons.  

“People look forward to clean-up week and save stuff up for the spring one and in the fall,” said Brian Obenchain, City of Minot communication specialist. “It’s a way to get rid of a lot of stuff you don’t want, and you don’t have to take it to the landfill yourself. Put it out and we’ll pick it up.” 

Included in the most recent clean-up week were 668 tires and 386 appliances. Minot’s first clean-up week was held in the fall of 2017. This year’s fall clean-up week is set for September 11-15. 

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