Published January 31, 2023

Senate Moves to Clean Up Abortion Laws 

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan
Sen. Janne Myrdal, R-Dis. 19, Edinburg. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)
Sen. Janne Myrdal, R-Dis. 19, Edinburg. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)

Debate in North Dakota Legislature 

BISMARCK – The North Dakota State Senate passed Tuesday a lengthy bill that its sponsor says cleans up current abortion laws. 

The bill carrier and sponsor, Sen. Janne Myrdal, R-Dis. 19, Edinburg, described Senate Bill 2150 as a cleanup bill on laws that already exist pertaining to abortion, to make it clearer what the law says. 

“All abortions are illegal in North Dakota currently, except for the reasons of rape and incest, or the first six weeks, or the life of the mother, or medical emergencies throughout the pregnancy,” said Myrdal. “This is what the legislators already passed and intended to go into effect. This bill does not debate the issue of abortion.” 

Four senators voted against the bill. One of them, Sen. Kathy Hogan, D-Dis. 21, Fargo, explained her vote, saying she appreciated those who worked on the bill for attempting to compromise on the complex issues of the bill. 

Sen. Kathy Hogan, D-Dis. 21, Fargo, stands in opposition to a bill that its sponsor says cleans up current abortion laws. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)


“This bill still seriously hurts some very vulnerable women and children,” said Hogan. “Senate Bill 2151 creates far more restrictive language around the exceptions for termination of pregnancies resulting from sexual imposition, sexual abuse, or incest. The new language denies abortion care to victims of rape and incest beyond six weeks gestation. Most women do not know they are pregnant that early.” 

The bill passed by a vote of 43 to 4 and will be sent to the House of Representatives for consideration.  

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