Published November 25, 2021

Say a Special Prayer

Written by
Jonathan Starr
| The Dakotan
In the opinion of Jonathan Starr
In the opinion of Jonathan Starr

It is not hard to write this editorial, as Thanksgiving week is all about giving thanks for our family, our friends, and the freedom we have in the United States, guaranteed by those who serve in our military in the U.S. and around the world.

Some of our military friends will be able to make it “home” for Thanksgiving, wherever that is. Others will host Thanksgiving at their new homes where they are stationed and welcome their families from other destinations to join them. Then there are those who will be on duty on Thursday, for we know that our military personnel work 24/7 to protect our freedom.

Finally, there are those who are deployed and will not be home for Thanksgiving, and for them we are so appreciative and thankful. More than that, we pray for their safe return at the end of their deployment. We hope they return to their friends and families back at Minot AFB, and the many other military bases in the United States.

Finally, we at The Dakotan are so very thankful for the opportunity to work with, and share the stories of the active duty, dependents and civilians who serve their country. It is a privilege to meet so many of them and their families as we work hard to provide pertinent news and information about the mission and those others who support that mission in our military. In Minot when you enter the gates and see the sign that says, “Only The Best Come North” you are proud of each and every one of them.

So much goes into keeping the mission of our military world class, and there is no down time. The deterrence they provide gives us the freedom to have a Thanksgiving day. But as you gather this Thanksgiving and offer a prayer of thanks, don’t forget to give thanks for those who serve in our military, and for those who have served in our military, and of course those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country this past year.

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