
Tag: secondary feature

Nonprofits Set up at Capitol 

NDANO Spreads Awareness   BISMARCK – Nonprofits work hard in North Dakota, in so many different ways, both to do what they do and bring awareness to it. One unique way they bring awareness is their advocacy at the state legislature.  With the legislature in session this year, several nonprofits gathered at the Capitol this […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 3, 2023

House Defeats Diversity Funds Bill

Revolving Loan for Businesses Owned by Women, Veterans, Minorities BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House defeated a bill Thursday that would provide revolving loan funds to businesses owned by women, minorities, and veterans. House Bill 1420 proposed that the Bank of North Dakota may provide a revolving loan fund to small businesses owned by […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 3, 2023

Minot Air Force Base Economic Impact 

Report Reveals $595 Million in 2022  Minot – The Budget Office of the 5th Bomb Wing Comptroller presented its annual economic impact analysis report for Minot Air Force Base at a meeting of the MACEDC Military Affairs Committee on Thursday, February 2.   The group revealed that the total economic impact of MAFB in 2022 was […]
by The Dakotan
February 2, 2023

State Considers Exemptions for Private Education 

School Choice Bills Heard at Legislature   BISMARCK – A legislative bill to reimburse private schools had a hearing Wednesday in the North Dakota House Education committee.  House Bill 1532 would require school districts to provide funds to private schools. It was heard in the House Education committee.  The bill sponsor, Rep. Claire Cory, R-Dis. 42, Grand […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 2, 2023

Game and Fish Fishing Fees Challenged

ND Legislature Asked to Revise MINOT – How much the North Dakota Game and Fish Department should charge for fishing tournaments is the gist of a bill introduced in the State Legislature – HB 1538. Currently Game and Fish charges a 10% conservation fee on all fishing tournaments they permit in North Dakota waters. The […]
by Kim Fundingsland
February 2, 2023

Legislative Bill on Cardiac Event Compensation 

Lawmaker Questions COVID Vaccine BISMARCK – The COVID-19 vaccine was questioned in the North Dakota State House chambers Wednesday in discussion of a bill that adjusts standards for the compensation provided for cardiac events of firefighters and law enforcement related to their occupation.  Rep. Jim Jonas, R-Dis. 13, West Fargo, mentioned that in his community, […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 1, 2023

Marijuana Bill Resurfaces, Fails 

Debate on North Dakota House Floor   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House narrowly defeated a bill Wednesday to allow the production and sale of edible, medical cannabis products.  House Bill 1202, which allows the sale of edible, medical cannabis products, requiring 63 votes to pass, was previously defeated Tuesday by a vote of […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 1, 2023

ND Senate Votes for Oil, Gas Scholarships 

Reversal of Do Not Pass Recommendation  BISMARCK – The North Dakota State Senate voted Tuesday to allow scholarships based on the oil and gas industry.  Senate Bill 2197 allows the state board of higher education to award a scholarship of up to $16,000 to an individual who has worked in the oil and gas industry […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 1, 2023

Legislative Hit and Run 

ND Senate Passes Penalty for Damaged Property, Animals   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House passed Tuesday a bill to add any property or animals damaged by a vehicle to the hit and run laws.  Current law creates a class B misdemeanor for individuals who damage a vehicle and do not immediately notify the […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 1, 2023

Rough Start to Winter for Wildlife 

Survival Depends on Weather Ahead  MINOT – The state’s wildlife always must deal with winter snow and cold. This winter started off with a heavy dose of both, making for a stressful start to what is survival season for deer, birds, and other wildlife.  “We’ve actually got lucky the last few weeks of January where […]
by Kim Fundingsland
February 1, 2023
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