Published June 5, 2023

Human Relations Committee Vote Delayed by Minot City Council

Minot City Council continues to delay voting on reestablishing HRC

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan
The Minot City Council begins meeting on June 5 with the Mayor's Report by Mayor Tom Ross
The Minot City Council begins meeting on June 5 with the Mayor's Report by Mayor Tom Ross

Minot – The new Minot City Council Chambers were, once again, full of residents interested in providing input on the Human Relations Committee that was set to be discussed at Monday’s meeting but had to leave without answers.

The Council Chambers were again full of residents interested in sharing their view on the HRC Ordinance

Since the ordinance for the Human Relations Committee was on the agenda for a second reading on May 1, the Minot City Council has been at least one Committee member short of a full council and has continuously voted to table a vote on the HRC ordinance. Missing at Monday’s meeting was Alderman Paul Pitner and Alderwomen Carrie Evans whom Mayor Tom Ross referenced as being at City Hall earlier but was not present for Roll Call.

The motion tabled again was first presented at the City Council meeting on May 1 by Alderwomen Lisa Olson. Olson made a motion to not adopt the new lanaguage that would be added to the HRC ordinance. The motion would be tabled because of the absence of Alderman Stephan Podrygula.

Much controversy has surrounded the ordinance that seeks to reestablish the Human Relations Committee. The HRC was originally created in 1976 but has essentially been non-existent for over a decade. The purpose of the committee would be to discourage discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. New wording was added on the ordinance’s first reading to add sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, survivors of sexual assault, citizenship status, source of income, and military or veteran status as protections to the purpose of the committee.

Click here to view our coverage of the HRC Ordinance.

You can view the full Minot City Council Meeting here:

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