
Tag: Main Feature

She's Not From Around Here: The Unsung Hero of Blizzard 2022

We got more snow than I expected. When I wrote last week’s column the blizzard was impending with predictions hinting at the possibility of 30” of snow. However, with my vast meteorological experience (okay, I have none), I made my own prediction: Minot would get far less snow than expected and it would melt in […]
by Amy Allender
April 21, 2022

Murder to Manslaughter to Jail

MINOT — A Minot man removed his suit coat, was handcuffed, and promptly escorted to jail following an appearance in a Ward County courtroom Wednesday. Erik Steven Rod, 43, entered a guilty plea to a charge of manslaughter during a plea agreement hearing. Rod was initially charged with murder, a AA felony punishable by life […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 20, 2022

Saving on Groceries Part 3: Cook from Scratch

In our attempt to lower the grocery bill we've covered things like shop with a list, have a super pantry and cut down on food waste. These all sound like Grandma skills. And the truth is, these are things your grandma did. If your Grandma lived during the depression (like mine did), she learned all […]
by Charlene Nelson
April 20, 2022

Storm Statistics

BISMARCK — The recent blizzard that tore through much of the state was certainly one for the memory, and it set, or nearly set, new records for snowfall at many locations. The National Weather Service has compiled data from the storm, showing just how impactful the storm was from a historical perspective. In addition, many […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 19, 2022

Council Approves Emergency Declaration for Snowstorm

MINOT — The Minot City Council approved an emergency declaration following the snowstorm this past week. The vote was unanimous. This is just one of the steps in the process to qualify for federal reimbursement. However, it does free up the city's emergency funds to help pay down some of the costs involved with the […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 18, 2022

Sheriff’s Department Donates Armor to Ukraine

MINOT — The Ward County Sheriff’s Department donated 40 sets of expired police body armor and vest carriers to help the Ukrainians in their fight against Russia. Sheriff Robert Roed said the North Dakota National Guard reached out to the Association of Counties for a request for such donations, which sent an email to the […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 18, 2022

Wildlife Weathering the Storm

MINOT — Lake Darling hosted some rare visitors this past week, a trio of whooping cranes that apparently had their northern migration rudely interrupted by one of the largest blizzards to ever strike the region. The cranes were sharing shallow water and shoreline with Canada geese, snow geese, mallards, shovelers, pintails, and a few gulls. […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 17, 2022

After The Storm

MINOT — It was one for the record books. No question about that. The blizzard that struck this week dumped up to 36 inches of snow over much of the Minot region. City of Minot residents found themselves trapped in their homes for several days due to the heavy snowfall whipped by winds up to […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 15, 2022

Snow, Moisture, and Melt

MINOT — More good than bad, but that can change in the coming days. “This is going to be interesting. We don’t see these types of events very often,” said Allen Schlag, National Weather Service hydrologist in Bismarck. “A lot of the time in these spring blizzards the soils are still frozen. That’s not the […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 14, 2022

Minot Police Department Recommends No Travel within the City

MINOT — City of Minot Police Chief John Klug is recommending that residents in Minot travel within the city only if absolutely necessary due to the ongoing snow storm. “With the amount of snow in the forecast, travel is going to quickly become hazardous within city limits,” Klug said. “We are asking residents to stay […]
by The Dakotan
April 12, 2022
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