Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts and Greg Gullickson 49

Lydia Hoverson
 June 25, 2022
The Dakotan:
This is Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts and North Dakota Game and Fish Outreach biologist Greg Gullickson.

Neil Roberts:
It's that time of year for a lot of great camps for kids. And Greg, we are meeting after a white camp fundraiser. You were involved with one of several different camps that take some of your time. Tell us why it's so important for you, Greg, and for the kids, I guess, in the state and beyond.

Greg Gullickson:
You know, and specifically around Lake Scott. We are there are a few different youth camps that are conducted each summer, and the two that I'm involved with is camped across in Douglas Beach. And then also why camp, which is right next door and some great outdoor education that takes place, obviously with the setting of lakes Akaka we have for both those camps some great fishing opportunities, but also archery at both those camps. The 22 rifle range over at Triangle Wide Camp, an outdoor education center at Triangle Wide Camp as well. And just being in that outdoor setting on the shores of Lake Scott will be a great place to get out to enjoy wildlife. Certainly encourage you to sign those youngsters up for some of these camps. Definitely a great learning experience and something that will get them more involved in the outdoors as well.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Good stuff, Greg. And hey, we'll talk youth opportunities for fall when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Many fall activities are specifically tailored for youth grade by your department. Remind us of a few of those today.

Greg Gullickson:
A lot of great opportunities out there. And usually those youth seasons open up the weekend before most adults take to the field. And some of the examples are the youth waterfowl hunt, the youth pheasant hunt, some special opportunities for turkeys and then those youth deer tags which you can apply for in September There are a few special ones which deadline's already passed, but we do have a specific tab on our website that will direct you to a lot of those youth opportunities coming up this fall.

Neil Roberts:
Good stuff, Greg. That brings an end to this report. If you missed one, catch us on the website. OutdoorIssues.com. Until next time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real. Honest. Local news.

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