Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts and Greg Gullickson 36

Nicole DesRosier
 May 7, 2022
The Dakotan:
This is Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts and North Dakota Game and fish outreach biologist Greg Gullickson.

Neil Roberts:
We talked the North Dakota Fish Challenge and our other reports this week and your department, Greg, has a lot of ideas as to where anglers can go, right?

Greg Gullickson:
Yeah. If you go on to the Game and Fish Department website, we do have a fishing tab there. And underneath the fishing tab there is another box you can check that says where to fish and you can locate a lake or river with all the species that would be near you and that stuff going to help with the North Dakota Fish Challenge. Within that website, it has contour maps of many of our North Dakota lakes, stocking reports, netting reports, all the amenities that are there directions to get to those lakes. And if you zoom out on the map of North Dakota, boy, it's amazing the amount of lakes that are right in your own backyard that you might be overlooking. So don't overlook some of those less popular spots out there. You know, it doesn't necessarily have to be Van Hook to catch a limit of fish. There's a lot of great opportunities across North Dakota.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Good stuff, Greg. And hey, we'll have more on fishing when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Talking fishing today on Outdoor Issues. And Greg, North Dakota has a lot of the diverse lakes. One I like to go to, for example, is Lake Darling.

Greg Gullickson:
Yeah, that's right. We have lakes on national wildlife refuges. Lake Audubon is split half between state ownership and half with the US Fish and Wildlife Service managing the other half lakes. Akaka We have our shining gem out there, some unique opportunities in the Garrison Dam to raise right below the Garrison Dam, but don't overlook a lot of those opportunities that might be right in your own backyard when we look at these over 400 lakes across the state. A lot of different ways to fish or fishing is good at a lot of them and a lot of different species diversity as well. So don't keep pounding your head to get three or five walleyes. There's a lot of different things out there that will make the bobber dance All right.

Neil Roberts:
Good stuff as always. That concludes this one. And next time, I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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