ND Elections - A Way Forward

Voters in North Dakota and around the country are demanding election reform.  While many other states are passing meaningful election bills, North Dakota legislators seem to be reluctant to make the sweeping changes that would be required to secure our processes. The 2016 and 2020 general elections prompted an unprecedented level of distrust in our […]
by Mike Blessum
October 24, 2021

The Way I See It

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution Gun control. Get rid of the second amendment. After all, it’s so outdated anyway. Really? Change the Bill of Rights to the United States […]
by Kim Fundingsland
October 24, 2021

Redistricting Plan Heads to Upcoming Session

ND lawmakers express concerns It has happened before, a reconfiguring of North Dakota’s legislative districts, but there’s always something about shifting political boundaries that draws the ire of legislators on both sides of the isle. The upcoming reconvened session of the ND Legislature, with redistricting foremost on the agenda, is expected to be no different. […]
by Kim Fundingsland
October 24, 2021

The Dakotan - We Bring You the Truth

In a world filled with news organizations, why would we need one more? Because the news that you are receiving every day is polarized. News organizations used to pride themselves on bringing you the truth, which included researching both sides of an issue. But the obvious polarization of even our largest, and once dependable, news […]
by Jonathan Starr
October 24, 2021

From Farm to Front Lines

A Korean veteran's story The stars and stripes fly proudly in his farmyard. His nights are still occasionally interrupted by vivid dreams, flashbacks of his most harrowing moments of military service. He was a member of the Color Guard for funerals of 300 fellow veterans. The proud U.S. Army veteran is Ernie Hoelscher, 91, Minot, […]
by Kim Fundingsland
October 24, 2021

Time Change or Time for a Change?

North Dakotans are weary of falling back and springing forward As the year descends deeper into autumn, some North Dakotans face the first Sunday in November with trepidation: the end of Daylight Saving Time for the year. This means it’s time to change the clocks again (fall back one hour on November 7), and many […]
by Greg Demme
October 24, 2021
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