Fascination with Flight

Velva man rebuilds early biplane VELVA -- Inside a hanger a few miles north of here sits a glistening airplane, dark red with brilliant white wings. Two of them. The stunning biplane was reconstructed by Larry Linrud, 74, a man who has been around airplanes most of his life.   Linrud spent nearly 40 years in the aerial spraying business. In the 1970s and 80s, […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 5, 2021

City of Minot Offices to be Closed in Observance of Veterans Day

All City of Minot offices will be closed Nov. 11 in observance of the Veterans Day holiday, including City Hall, Public Works, and the Engineering Department. There will be no public transit on Nov. 11. The Minot Public Library will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Nov. 11. There will be no […]
by The Dakotan
November 5, 2021

Fall Mule Deer Survey Completed

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s fall mule deer survey indicated the drought had a big influence on fawn production.  Biologists counted 2,163 mule deer in the aerial survey in October. The ratio of 60 fawns per 100 does was significantly lower than last year (82/100) and the long-term average (88/100), while 38 bucks […]
by The Dakotan
November 5, 2021

800 Airmen and Guardians Refuse COVID Vaccine by Deadline; 10,000 Remain Unvaccinated

The Air Force released its first snapshot of COVID-19 vaccination compliance Nov. 3, the day after the Active-duty deadline, with some 800 uniformed personnel refusing the shot and nearly 5,000 Airmen and Guardians waiting to find out if their religious exemptions will be approved. In all, . . . [Read the rest of this article […]
by The Dakotan
November 4, 2021

Grassroots Involvement Yields Powerful Results

Editorial / opinion  With a special session of the North Dakota legislature approaching on Monday, Nov. 8, many North Dakotans may find themselves in one of three primary camps.  Camp #1:  “Our elected leaders do whatever they want all the time. I’m frustrated by governmental overreach, and I want to see things change, but I feel helpless. At […]
by Greg Demme
November 4, 2021

Capitol Steps Rally

**UPDATE: Click Legislative Special Session 2021 to see live updates of the Special Session including on-site coverage of the We The People rally. Huge grassroots rally planned to coincide with first day of special session  Monday, Nov. 8, will bring an uptick in activity around the Capitol building in Bismarck. Not only will the legislature […]
by Greg Demme
November 4, 2021

La Nina Winter Ahead

Greatest impact in new year Enjoy the seasonal fall weather now and prepare for some unusually cold winter conditions in the months ahead. That’s the gist of a Winter Weather Briefing held by the National Weather Service in Bismarck.  While long-range weather forecasting always comes with myriad unknowns, what is known is that La Nina is active and growing. […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 4, 2021

Shortages Evident Throughout the State

Supply slow for many consumer goods The supply shortage for a variety of goods is becoming increasingly evident in Minot and throughout the state. More and more shoppers are dealing with the frustration of not being able to find what they are looking for. Retailers too are dealing with the same issues—it’s just darn tough to get products they want to put on shelves for consumers. Lengthy […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 3, 2021

Special Session Raises Eyebrows

Representative Dan Ruby Not A Fan of Sub-Districts “I can support the re-districting bill, even though I don’t like everything about it, but I can accept it. But I won’t support it with the sub-districts,” said Representative Dan Ruby (R-Dis. 38, Minot) in a recent interview with The Dakotan. Now Rep. Ruby is unsure of […]
by The Dakotan
November 3, 2021

Air Force Discharges Trainees, Prepares to Discipline Troops Who Aren't Vaccinated

The Department of the Air Force is preparing to discipline thousands of Airmen and Guardians who will miss a Nov. 2 deadline for full vaccination against COVID-19. The Pentagon confirmed that some have qualified for exemptions. Meanwhile . . . [Read the rest of this article on Air Force Magazine]
by The Dakotan
November 2, 2021

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