
Category: A Slice of Life

Man’s Best Friend 

A Slice of Life   I write about dogs a lot, but never enough. They deserve more.  No matter what I write about dogs it always seems inadequate, yet here I go again. Dog owners will understand. Dogs do not read. At least I don’t think they do, at least not the written word.  Depending on […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 19, 2023

Seasons of Memories 

Deer hunting is one of North Dakota’s most long-lasting traditions.  Every November is marked by thousands of hunters taking to the hills and coulees and other favored terrain in search of deer. However, for many, harvesting a deer is not the only measure of success. Participating in a tradition is.  I remember my first deer […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 12, 2023

The Lord’s Cupboard 

A Slice of Life  It’s a story that never gets old. People helping people. Concerned volunteers dedicated to a cause. Businesses assisting their community. Groups, teams, generously giving of their time.  All the above, and more, have become a part of the necessary service provided by The Lord’s Cupboard food pantry. It is there where […]
by Kim Fundingsland
August 6, 2023

Park of Memories 

A Slice of Life Mom made my favorite, Juneberry pie, from berries I picked there. She made wonderful chokecherry jelly too, gathered in the same area.  A portion of one side of the steep coulee was grassy and made for perfect cardboard sliding in the summer. In the winter, when the snow wasn’t too deep, […]
by Kim Fundingsland
July 30, 2023

T-ball Explained, Sort of 

A Slice of Life Oh, my goodness!  What sport is it where the jersey is the same length as a bathrobe and players from both teams are as mixed as a bag of marbles at the same time?  The answer is T-ball, which apparently includes kids from birth to a year or two older. No […]
by Kim Fundingsland
June 18, 2023

Dog Gone International Incident 

Slice of Life An international incident along the North Dakota/Saskatchewan border was resolved, at least temporarily, in a Minot courtroom earlier this month.   The intriguing case involved a wandering dog, Rocco, who normally resides in Enniskillen, Saskatchewan, a small community located just north of the United States/Canadian border. Rocco decided to make a visit to […]
by Kim Fundingsland
June 11, 2023

Memories of Main Street 

A Slice of Life The beginning of the Magic City all started in downtown Minot, the heart of sales and services for a rapidly growing community emerging on the fading frontier.  Of course, over the years there’s been lots of changes. More people. More businesses. More opportunities. Expanded city limits.   Interestingly though, are the […]
by Kim Fundingsland
June 4, 2023

Minot’s Baseball Cathedral 

A Slice of Life The sweet scent of fresh cut grass. Dew glistening on baseball spikes. A mouth full of sunflower seeds. Holding a freshly oiled baseball glove to your face. A full moon rising over the outfield fence and the smell of hamburgers and hotdogs drifting across the diamond and through the grandstand.  Memories […]
by Kim Fundingsland
May 28, 2023

The Puppy and the Ticket 

A Slice of Life The tale I am about to reveal is worth a laugh, a cry, or both. I suppose the reaction will range from “hilarious”, to that “D___ dog!”  I’m a member of the hilarious group but, admittedly, for a moment or two, I muttered a few four-letter words. One glance at my […]
by Kim Fundingsland
May 7, 2023

Sleepy, Cold, and Fishing 

A Slice of Life  When my alarm woke me, I thought to myself I must be crazy. It was 3:30 a.m. Dark and cold. I had a ninety-minute drive that I wasn’t looking forward to.  Ahhh. The life of a fisherman is sometimes difficult to understand. Explaining it to someone else? Even harder.  There are […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 30, 2023

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