Published December 31, 2023


Written by
Kim Fundingsland
| The Dakotan
(Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)
(Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)

A Slice of Life

When one year comes to an end and the other begins, it is a natural time to reflect on the year past and to hopes for what the new year may bring.

Of course, resolutions abound – lose weight, quit smoking, finally take that trip you’ve been promising yourself. There’s an infinite number of possibilities. I’ve found following up on them fades away almost as soon as I make them. I know others do better.

Reflecting on the past year, my best moments were spent with family and friends. Sometimes with a fishing rod in hand or during some other outdoor activity. Other times seated in a comfortable chair.

There are other moments too, like the solitude of taking a dog for a walk in the country on an agreeable day. Quiet times are good for the mind. Necessary, I think. And such times are wonderful for reflecting on any number of things a person should be grateful for. I place importance on that. I know other people do too.

As for those resolutions for the new year, which I cannot ever remember having complete success with, I’ve made one that I am endeavoring to achieve. I won’t share it right now but rather wait until I accomplish it. A cover-up you say? Pretty much. Time will tell.

I figure if I achieve my resolution, I’ll have accomplished two goals. One will be the resolution itself and the other the act of accomplishing it. Yes, I will write about it, whether successfully achieved or not, at the appropriate time. Really.

To those of you who have made past resolutions for a new year and have followed them through – fantastic. For those making resolutions for 2024, good for you.

After what seemed like a lifetime of breaking New Year’s resolutions, and I’m very envious of those who can keep them, I came up with one several years ago that I like.

I can’t say for sure whether or not it was a New Year’s resolution, can’t remember exactly. It probably was the result of one of those coveted quiet moments, like listening to the rustle of cottonwood leaves in a light wind or the creaking of lake ice on a calm, sunny day.

Maybe it’s more of a life philosophy than a resolution, or an axiom that many people follow anyway. It’s pretty simple, really. I try to be a better person today than I was yesterday.

I’m sure others may disagree as to the success I’ve had living up to that, but that’s okay. I’ve got a lifetime to prove them wrong, one day at a time.

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