Move to New Trinity Hospital Successful

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The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

Trinity Hospital Release

April 30th was a historic day as Trinity Health completed the transition from its legacy campus in downtown Minot to its new campus at 2305 37th Avenue SW.

Fifty-nine patients from the legacy campus were moved to the new hospital in around 4 hours. The move began with the first patient delivered at 7:11 a.m. and concluded with the last patient arriving at the Healthcare Campus and Medical District at 11:21 a.m.

Jeffery Sather, MD, medical director of the Emergency Trauma Center, called it a transformational day. “This was a transformational day at Trinity Health – transformational for healthcare in Minot and transformational for the region at large.”

More than 700 Trinity staff and volunteers facilitated the move, including some 14 ambulances services from around the region.

Elliot Leinen, associate director of Decision Support, coordinated the move process. He said the move went very well, with every aspect completed ahead of schedule. “I’m thinking about the next step. This was moving into a new facility; now it’s exciting to take the next step in actually operating in the new facility with all the staff and all the departments that are going to be out here.”

It didn’t take long for the first baby to be born in the new hospital. Lily Violet Rose Freeman was born at 8:44 a.m. on April 30. The last baby delivered at the old hospital was Marlee Pierson, born at 2:41 a.m. on April 29.

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