Published March 12, 2023

Helping the Legislators 

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan
Alice Delzer, page who has been involved at the Capitol since 2007. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)
Alice Delzer, page who has been involved at the Capitol since 2007. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)

Page at the Capitol 

BISMARCK – As North Dakota State legislators race to get through hundreds of bills, there are some people of all ages stationed in the chambers to help them. 

Alice Delzer, State House page, grew up in Hazelton and has lived in Mandan since the 1960s. After retiring in 2005 from her job as the clerk of court for the City of Mandan, she began working at the Capitol in 2007 as a deputy clerk. She has also been a clerk for Senate committees. 

“This year I messed up because I couldn’t get my application in time because I couldn’t get it up on my computer,” said Delzer. “I prayed about it and I said, ‘Okay Lord, I can’t go back to the Capitol.’ I love working here. It is amazing. God opened my eyes in 2007 that these people are working here to serve the North Dakota citizens.” 

After praying once more, Delzer said she got a call from the head clerk asking her if she would take the job as a page. 

“I feel very blessed to be here,” said Delzer. 

The job as a page includes delivering printed paper and other items to the legislators that they need. There are pages on either side of the chambers with a board of lights in view, so if the legislator needs something, they can hit their page button and their name lights up on the board. There are five pages in the House of Representatives and on head page.

Lights that turn on when a legislator needs page assistance. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)

“Maybe they need some copies run out, maybe they need us to send a message to another representative, or across the hall,” said Delzer. “That is my responsibility.” 

Legislators can also have a copy printed off in the back room with their name on it so pages can deliver the papers right to them. 

Though a page’s main job is during the hours the legislators are on the floor, pages still must remain at the Capitol from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

“The pages also have the opportunity to take phone calls that come into the Capitol, so we take turns answering that phone,” said Delzer. “People call and say I want my Representative or Senator to vote for or against such and such a bill. We process it on the computer and they get the message electronically.” 

Delzer said most legislators call their constituents back, and a lot of people call just to tell the legislators they’re doing a great job. Most phone calls have been very kind, says Delzer. 

There are six pages total, three on the House side and three on the Senate side. 

Delzer said when she’s not working at the Capitol, she’s a motorcycle grandma who likes to sing. She’s also the national chaplain for the American Veterans Ladies Auxiliary.  

Delzer has three children, six grandchildren and five great grandchildren. 

“I praise the Lord that we can be a free country,” said Delzer. “We’re so blessed to have this. We are one nation under God, and our nation needs to come back to God.” 

Students can apply to become a page for a day here

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