Published December 1, 2022

From Minot to the North Pole and Back 

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan
The Minot Park District has set up Santa’s Mailbox, one on Main Street by the big tree and one at the Scandinavian Heritage Park. If individuals write a letter with a name and return address, and place it in one of these mailboxes by December 12, they can expect a letter back before Christmas. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)
The Minot Park District has set up Santa’s Mailbox, one on Main Street by the big tree and one at the Scandinavian Heritage Park. If individuals write a letter with a name and return address, and place it in one of these mailboxes by December 12, they can expect a letter back before Christmas. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)

Minot Parks Santa Mail System  

MINOT – Not everyone who writes a letter to Santa gets the privilege of a return letter, but the Minot Park District has set up a system where you might just get one. 

Madeline Knutson, multi-media coordinator for Minot Parks, said there is a mailbox by the parking lot at the Scandinavian Park and one on Main Street next to the big Christmas tree. 

“You can bring a letter to Santa, you just put it in our mailbox, and you can expect to receive a letter back from Santa sometime before Christmas,” Knutson explained. 

Letters must be in by December 12 at 8 p.m. with a legible name and return address. 

This being the park district’s third year of setting up Santa’s Mailbox, Knutson said there are usually around 250 letters every year. 

“Every year we do it we get more letters,” said Knutson, who has been a part of setting it up every year. “It’s really fun to give back to the community in that way.” 

Though most of the letters are from younger children, Knutson said she’s seen letters from a wide variety of children and adults. Requests from the kids vary as well. 

“It’s all over the place,” Knutson laughed. 

The mailboxes are built by Minot Parks’ maintenance department. 

Knutson said there will be an event at Polaris Park December 9 from 4-7 p.m., where there will be supplies for kids to write letters to Santa. 

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