Published August 23, 2022

High Kicking Arena Action

Written by
Tisa Peek
| The Dakotan
Holden Meyer heeling on Joey for partner Sutton Hennessy. (Photo: Nici Meyer)
Holden Meyer heeling on Joey for partner Sutton Hennessy. (Photo: Nici Meyer)

High School Rodeo Opener

NEW SALEM -- North Dakota High School Rodeo had its season opener here this past weekend, August 20-21. 

A total of 880 competitive runs from cow cutting, rough stock rides to roping went through the arena that sits under Miss Salem Sue. From seniors in high school to the freshman — emotions, fast runs, buck offs, and memories were made. 

The Mandan Horse & Saddle Club hosted its 15th Annual High School rodeo at the location in Morton County while the Mandan arena is being upgraded. 

Holden Meyer, a freshman for the Berthold Bombers, roped and tied his first calf at his first North Dakota high school rodeo Saturday. Playing for the Bombers football team as a wide receiver the night before and winning against Mohall-Lansford-Sherwood, the Bomber lit up the field Friday night and then spent the rest of his weekend at the New Salem arena. 

Megan Larson on Tex.

“The first high school rodeo experience was a good experience. I used our mare, Joey, that is evolving from a team roping horse and barrel racing horse to finishing her in the tie down roping. That is a rewarding part of the rodeo game,” stated Holden. 

Joey is a 9-year-old granddaughter of Shining Sparks and was purchased by Holden’s mother, Nici Meyer. The whole family has competed on her. 

The young cowboy also commented on his new Bomber football coach, Paul Rudolph. 

 “Our coach really is good about teaching and positivity and has a great work ethic environment going with our team. All that crosses over into the arena and rodeo,” added Holden. 

NDHSR Secretary Michelle Rotenberger explained, “Numbers are up this year in the cow cutting, rifle/trap shooting, barrel racing, and pole bending. It’s outstanding. There are many incoming freshmen, and they are ready to rodeo. The first rodeo is always good, all these rodeos are a great learning and competitive experience for the athletes.” 

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