Published June 27, 2022

Minot Teen Performs Her Way to Scholarship

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan
Madie Robert, Minot, with Jennifer Lyn, organizer for "Battle of the Bands" in Bismarck. [Photo: submitted by Neil Roberts]
Madie Robert, Minot, with Jennifer Lyn, organizer for "Battle of the Bands" in Bismarck. [Photo: submitted by Neil Roberts]

BISMARCK — A Minot teen recently won a scholarship through a high school performance competition in Bismarck called "Battle of the Bands".

Though facing five other competitors with a variety of performances, Central High student Madie Roberts, 15, youngest performer at the competition, won the show with her three original songs she played on guitar and sang for the audience. Those songs were Stereotypical, Lethal Adrenaline, and Poker Game.

The performances included duos, solos, and a band.

Her win means $1500 in scholarships to any college of her choice, in any degree. Roberts won $500 for the solo/duo category and $1000 for the overall competition.

"It was super exciting, and it felt cool to compete against people my age who did the same thing as me," said Roberts.

"She ran into some tough competition but she remained calm, cool and collected," said Neil Roberts, her father. "Madie gave a great performance herself, which obviously helped."

More information on Battle of the Bands can be found here.

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