Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts and Greg Gullickson 39

Nicole DesRosier
 May 21, 2022
The Dakotan:
This is Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts and North Dakota Game and Fish outreach biologist Greg Gullickson.

Neil Roberts:
Greg, your department is a fairly small one and one of the major ways you're able to conduct your efforts across the state is through volunteers. Now, your department recently recognized those volunteers at an annual banquet in Bismarck Tell us more about that.

Greg Gullickson:
Yeah, we've been having the volunteer system in place for decades across North Dakota, and we're hovering right around 900 volunteers that help with a lot of different things. And a good friend of mine, Wayne Stanley, out of Minot, was recognized this year as the 100 education instructor of the year. And there's a lot of, you know, 30 year service awards 25 year 20. We recognize a lot of different people for their efforts, helping the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. And there's a lot of different ways that you can volunteer with the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. The one that you hear about the most is our 100 education instructors, and they teach hundreds of classes across North Dakota each year. We also have a fur harvest through education program, a hooked on fishing program, boat and water safety. And if you want to learn more, all that information is on the game and fish department on these different programs that you can volunteer for.

Neil Roberts:
Good stuff, Greg And he will have more on volunteers when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Talking Volunteers for the North Dakota State Gaming Fish Department today on Outdoor Issues. And Greg, how do you become a volunteer if you'd like to sign up?

Greg Gullickson:
You know, it's quick and easy. There's a tab on the North Dakota game and Fish Department website. Under Education, you simply fill out the form and we'll get you enrolled. And, you know, I have to say, one of the events that I'm involved in where we use a lot of volunteers and we have the most volunteers in one place at one time would be at the North Dakota State Fair, where we run right around 25,000 people through our conservation outdoor skills park that get to experience some hands on fishing and archery and a lot of different things right in the middle of a North Dakota State Fair. I encourage you to be involved here for the Game and fish.

Neil Roberts:
Good stuff, Greg And hey, that brings this report to a close. Until next time, I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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