Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts 31

Nicole DesRosier
 April 23, 2022

The Dakotan:

This is Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts and North Dakota Game and Fish Outreach Biologist Greg Gullickson.

Neil Roberts:

It's one of North Dakota's unique fishing seasons and it is set to open May 1st. Greg, some changes to the paddlefish season this year. Tell us more about it.

Greg Gullickson:

Yeah, the main thing is, is how you get your license. So again. May 1st marks the date when the panel fish snagging season will open and with paddlefish there is a tag that you are required to put on that fish and those paddlefish tags are only available for purchase online at the Gaming Fish Department website, nd.gf.gov and during normal business hours only at the game in fish offices in Bismarck, Dickinson and Williston. So if you're buying your tags online, just plan accordingly. Allow a few days for delivery through the mail and the season is scheduled to continue through May 21st. But we do have that harvest cap. So an in-season closure may occur with a 24 hour notice issued by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. So to my fellow paddlefish snackers, I wish you good luck.

Neil Roberts:

Good stuff, Greg. And hey, we'll have more on paddlefish when we come back.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to Outdoor Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:

Talking paddle fishing today on outdoor issues. And Greg, there is a catch and release option two to the season. Tell us how that might work.

Greg Gullickson:

Yeah, that's right. There are certain days where you can keep and can't keep. And when talking about paddle fishing that season, the area where a lot of snappers target those paddlefish is above Williston. So it's at the confluence of the Yellowstone and the Missouri River. But there are some legal snagging hours to keep in mind from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. And also, there are certain days where there is a mandatory harvest where you must keep and tag your first fish. But there are also days that have catch and release. So make sure and look at those rules and regulations on the Game and Fish website.

Neil Roberts:

Good stuff, Greg. That will bring this report to a close. If you missed one, catch us on the website, outdoorIssues.com. Until next time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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