Citrus Fruit

In the dead of winter, when everything is frozen and bleak, Mother Nature blesses us with a ray of warm sunshine: citrus fruit. This is the season that citrus fruit is harvested, and so there’s plenty. This abundance also means it’s often on sale during the winter months. And a good thing too – this […]
by Charlene Nelson
January 24, 2022

Politics Shape Our World

This has been an eventful week for me, politically speaking.  I announced my retirement from the state legislature at the upcoming completion of my term in December.  It will have been a 10 year stint.  Like many, I viewed the legislative seat not as mine to fight for and keep, but as the people’s, who […]
by Rick Becker
January 24, 2022

Carpe Diem or Seize the Day

Occasionally, a special person comes along that changes the world in an amazing way.  Palmer Thompson is just that person.    Palmer was born with spina bifida, it is a birth defect in which there is an incomplete closing of the spine and the membranes around the spine during early development of the pregnancy.  But even […]
by Jason Spain
January 23, 2022

Lovin’ the Outdoors — Together 

Beauty and the Vet  MINOT — If it happens outdoors, chances are Theopolis and Ashley Toliver are part of it. The husband and wife just can’t seem to get enough of fishing and hunting. Darned if they aren’t very good at it too.  Together they have a Facebook page, Beauty and the Vet, where they […]
by Kim Fundingsland
January 23, 2022

Flea Market Makeover

New Ownership, New Name  MINOT — There’s been a change of ownership in town. The long-running Magic City Flea Market is now the Dakota Flea Market.  Gar Wiedrich, Rolla, recently completed the purchase of the Magic City Flea Market. In addition to changing the name, he says he hopes to make a few improvements to […]
by Kim Fundingsland
January 22, 2022

Northern Celebrations

Kick-sledding through Winter   Sometimes the combination of ingenuity and necessity make for fun things, born out of a way to make life simpler and easier while providing some fun along the way.   Or sometimes something designed to be fun turns out to be quite functional.   Maybe that explains kick-sleds. Envision a down-sized dog sled […]
by Jonathan Starr
January 22, 2022

UND Ceasing Work on Draft Policy 

GRAND FORKS — The University of North Dakota announced it will be ceasing work on the draft gender inclusion policy in a statement released by the president of the university on Friday.  This comes after public concerns were triggered last week by a recent letter the North Dakota Catholic Conference sent to parents of prospective […]
by The Dakotan
January 21, 2022

Twist and Shout with the Minot Symphony Orchestra  

MINOT — The Minot Symphony Orchestra invites the whole family to its live performance, Twist and Shout, on Saturday, Feb. 5 at 3 p.m. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall located inside Old Main on the campus of Minot State University.  “Having the family concert at 3 in the afternoon encourages parents to bring their children, […]
by The Dakotan
January 21, 2022

Ward County Prepares ARPA Fund Recommendations 

County seeks to remove abandoned building in Kenmare  WARD COUNTY — Ward County Commissioners have identified a building in Kenmare that they say should be demolished. [Video of the full meeting]  The county is in the process of developing a list of recommendations for spending $13.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act 2021 (ARPA) funds, […]
by Jasahd Stewart
January 21, 2022

Why Do So Many Judges Run Unopposed? 

Last week I reported on Judge Gary Lee’s decision to seek a fourth term as North Central District Court judge. The conversation I had with Judge Lee got me thinking: why do so many of our district court judges run unopposed?   Now, please hear me: I’m not in any way writing against Judge Lee. In […]
by Greg Demme
January 21, 2022

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