
Category: Columns

Budget Wise: Save in the Laundry Room

If seems like the utility bills are out of control, you're not wrong.  Experts are predicting that energy costs will rise 16% over the next year. That's why it's so important to get a grip on your electric bill now, so you can better weather the year to come. The laundry roomWhat if you could […]
by Charlene Nelson
July 6, 2022

Providential Home Companion: Time to Dehydrate

It's not enough that you store up extra food to see you through disasters or other challenges. You need a way to produce and preserve your food. Back in May I wrote about the need for a food plan. Should you get "food storage"? | The Dakotan | Charlene Nelson ( When we start talking […]
by Charlene Nelson
July 4, 2022

The Ancient Art of Hard Work

It is that time of year. Fireworks season, tournament fishing, baseball games, what have you, but the hidden holiday amongst all this fun -- haying season. As you drive across the highways and byways of North Dakota, one may notice the beautiful windrows of ample drying grass and alfalfas lining the fields. It is sheer […]
by Tisa Peek
July 4, 2022

Fishin' For Cats

They probably missed out in the “handsome” category when it comes to being a fish. They probably don’t even fit the “cute” category. After all, the channel catfish calling the Missouri River tailrace home – or any channel catfish anywhere else for that matter – lack the glittery greenish-gold of walleye or the cutesy bluegill […]
by Jonathan Starr
July 3, 2022

Not Another One

This past week the official word came that yes, the weekly newspaper serving the community of Edgeley in LaMoure County, has shut its doors for the last time.
by Marvin Baker
July 3, 2022

She's Not From Around Here: Small Magic

When describing why I find life in North Dakota so enjoyable, I usually cite a combination of local culture, quirks, and my stubborn insistence on finding beauty in things often overlooked. Giving a singular and concise answer to why Minot, ND has become something of a muse to me, is a tricky task. No, it’s […]
by Amy Allender
June 30, 2022

Lower Your Electric Bill

Your electric bill is one of the biggest guzzler of your monthly expenses. Fortunately electricity in North Dakota only costs about 9.6¢ per kilowatt hours (kWh), well below the national average of 13.1¢ per kWh. But we have higher heating demands in the winter, so the average North Dakotan spends about $1500 a year on […]
by Charlene Nelson
June 29, 2022

Off Grid Cooking: The Wonder Box

Here's another cool off-grid cooking method you may want to try: the Wonder Box. Here is simplicity and genius at it's best. The Wonder Box is basically a slow-cooker that works by heat retention. It was developed in the 60's to help families in third world countries cook with very little fuel and this fuel-saving […]
by Charlene Nelson
June 27, 2022

Upside Down Under: Ghosts of North Dakota past…

I have a North Dakota map from the 1950s and I was looking at it to see if any highways have changed. Then I got a little curious about several small towns in Cavalier County that either no longer exist or are hanging on by a thread. Alsen, Calio, Clyde, Hannah, Wales, Loma, Nekoma, Easby, […]
by Marvin Baker
June 26, 2022

Northern Celebrations: Train now; train smart 

We’re just into the early days of summer’s official arrival but grouse season is right around the corner with its tentative Sept. 10 opening date. Don’t blink, because the state’s resident waterfowl season is – once again tentative – slated to follow beginning Sept. 24. And, of course, then it’s the revered (and, yes, still […]
by Jonathan Starr
June 25, 2022
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