
Category: A Slice of Life

Abundance of Good Sense 

A Slice of Life There’s common sense, good sense, nonsense, perhaps no sense. I like to think I have an abundance of the first two on that list, but there are those, in numbers I shall not reveal, that firmly adhere to the belief I am far more fittingly described by the latter two.  To […]
by Kim Fundingsland
February 12, 2023

Those Coveted Coffee Mugs 

A Slice of Life   I’ve noticed that many coffee drinkers have a weird relationship with their favorite coffee mugs. They cling to them as if their very lives were dependent upon it. Strange.  Hmmm. As I write these lines, I confess to you, dear reader, that my favorite coffee mug is but a few […]
by Kim Fundingsland
February 5, 2023

Dog Treat Conundrum 

A Slice of Life  All dog owners do this. They stand in a store and stare at shelves of dog treats with completely dazed looks on their faces. I know this. I’ve been doing it for years.  There’s too many choices. Too many decisions to make. And your pet’s happiness and health is at risk. It’s […]
by Kim Fundingsland
January 29, 2023

Fear of Falling Trains 

A Slice of Life  This isn’t easy to write about, but here it is. I have a fear of falling trains. Stay with me now.  In my attempt to explain why, there is a bit of history that must be recalled, at least vaguely. It involves a landmark of sorts in the City of Minot […]
by Kim Fundingsland
January 22, 2023

Those Dreaded Lines 

A Slice of Life  After decades of trying, I have never gotten it right. Not a single time. Not once that I can remember.  Lines. That’s right – lines. The kind that never move the way you had hoped they would. I know I am not alone here. I think.  I’m writing about those many […]
by Kim Fundingsland
January 15, 2023


A Slice of Life  Popcorn -- the most popular snack food of all-time.  Okay. I have not researched any factual data for that declaration, but it has to be true. Who doesn’t love popcorn?  I have memories of my mother making popcorn on a stove, dumping kernels from a bag into sizzling oil and waiting […]
by Kim Fundingsland
January 8, 2023

Walkin’ on Water 

A Slice of Life  A non-resident asks, “What makes you darned North Dakotan’s so special?”  Resident -- “Well, we do walk on water.”  Incredulous non-resident -- “Are all North Dakotans so arrogant and pompous?”  Resident -- “Nope. Some don’t ice fish.”  That kind of sums it up.   Oh yes. In North Dakota we walk on […]
by Kim Fundingsland
January 1, 2023

A Snowman in Sunshine  

A Slice of Life  KEY LARGO, FLORIDA -- I’ll admit it’s a goofy concept, at least that’s one perfectly acceptable way of looking at it. I’m talking about a North Dakotan going to the Sunshine State and completely covering up in opposition to it.  Yup. Goofy.   Wait now. If a fair-skinned Norwegian from […]
by Kim Fundingsland
December 25, 2022

Amazing Bird Encounters 

A Slice of Life  kim.fundingsland@mydakotan,com I saw my first whooping crane sometime in the 1970s. There were nine of the endangered birds on the ground near Crosby.   I also remember there were about 50 uniformed agents, mostly from the Fish and Wildlife Service, keeping watch over the tall birds. The total population at the time […]
by Kim Fundingsland
December 18, 2022

The Electric Chair 

Slice of Life  A goal of all writers is, or should be, to attract attention. Some of us have devised clever ways to do that. Hence the headline, the “Electric Chair.”   But wait, I am not all deception here. This is not one of those “gotcha” gimmicks where you have to read a bunch […]
by Kim Fundingsland
December 11, 2022

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