Published January 30, 2024

Alexa Althoff Seeks District 2 State House Seat

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

Recently, Alexa Althoff announced her decision to run for a State House Seat in District 2. She release the following statement:

If we know one thing in District 2, it's the meaning of hard work. Cold days, late nights, long hours, the value of a dollar.

My life's work has been in journalism and media. This career path meant telling the truth, giving a voice to those who were unheard, researching complex issues, and keeping our elected officials in check. We are now at an important crossroads in North Dakota. So many are disheartened with the establishment and seeking a better future. We are all frustrated but resolute, seeking change but holding fast to our values and traditions.

So, let's get to work and go to Bismarck.

I'm not going for myself. I hope to go on behalf of the farmer who is suffering under the heavy burden of taxes and inflation. I seek to represent the small business owner on Main Street who is struggling, and every family wondering why their community or bank account seems to be slowly eroding away.

I would like to represent you more effectively by using my experience in technology to host regular town halls digitally, give updates from sessions, and have real in-person conversations - in addition to voting in ways that truly reflect our values.

North Dakota has always been a promised land for those seeking freedom, prosperity, and an honest life earned through hard work. I choose to honor our way of life by being an unapologetic voice for our communities, a phone call away for concerns, and steadfastly opposed to the mire of crony politics.

Your voice and support will be sincerely appreciated and if elected, I will humbly and effectively serve our District.

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