Published December 7, 2022

Rallying Against the Great Reset 

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan
People gathered in the cold at the Capitol building Tuesday to express concern and bring awareness to the Great Reset. (Photo: submitted)
People gathered in the cold at the Capitol building Tuesday to express concern and bring awareness to the Great Reset. (Photo: submitted)

Small Gathering at the Capitol  

BISMARCK – As legislators readied themselves this week with orientation for the upcoming session, one group rallied Tuesday to bring awareness to what they believe to be a global threat. 

Sebastian Ertelt, Lisbon, former state legislator and primary organizer of the rally, called it Defeat the Great Reset Rally. The Great Reset is described by the World Economic Forum as an initiative, saying “there is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the Covid-19 crisis.” 

“It’s happening now,” said Ertelt. “It’s not something that’s coming down the road.” 

Ertelt said the primary goal of the rally was to make legislators aware of the Great Reset, as he handed out a 100-page magazine to them that gave an in-depth explanation of the Great Reset. 

“It’s already had that intended effect because a couple of legislators that I handed it to let me know that they quite honestly didn’t know a whole lot about it,” Ertelt explained. “That’s our primary purpose, is to educate legislators to what it is, that it’s dangerous, and encourage them to take action and defend the people of the state against it.” 

Ertelt said over 100 people showed up for the rally throughout the day, with three short rallies at the steps of the capitol, one in the morning, one at noon, and one in late afternoon.  

The rally was put together in under two weeks. 

“The snowfall, cold wind, and forecast of less than desirable travel conditions undoubtedly kept many away,” said Ertelt. 

Ertelt also hosted a presentation that day from Alex Newman, an international journalist and author, talking about the Great Reset. More information on him can be found here

Ertelt said he does not believe this is a partisan issue, and that he talked to many Democratic legislators about it as well. 

“This is humanity that we’re talking about,” said Ertelt. “I am encouraging anyone of good will to join together to combat this, and that’s what it’s going to take.” 

The Dakotan spoke with some legislators in leadership who mentioned they did not know much about the Great Reset or the rally.

"I've not heard any concerns from North Dakota related to the conspiracy around the Great Reset," said Representative Josh Boschee, House minority leader.

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