The Dakotan Front Page Email
The Dakotan is continuing its front-page email for anyone to subscribe to for free at Subscribe | The Dakotan (
After a ten-day hiatus, the email has a few changes to it. First, it will now be scheduled to go out Monday through Friday mornings at 7 a.m. There will be no front page on Saturday and Sunday mornings, but Monday morning will contain all the weekend articles.
It will contain the latest news at the top, with more of our best articles as you scroll down. Filling in between these will be weather, trivia, This Day in History, the shopping cart, which is a list of basic food items and their current prices which are updated every Wednesday, and a preview of a story that is to be published later that day.
If a story is breaking, an email containing that story is to be sent to all those who subscribed to breaking news.
The Dakotan will continue to consider new ideas, and this structure may not be permanent.
For any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please email