Published June 10, 2022

Letter to the Editor

Written by
Dale Burwick
| The Dakotan
In the opinion of Dale Burwick
In the opinion of Dale Burwick

The Governor is Trying to Buy the ND Legislature

In my school days of learning about North Dakota History and Government, I was taught that the Constitution of North Dakota gave the executive branch, specifically the Governor very little power. The reason the founders did this was to prevent tyranny. 

That was back in 1889 and here we are in 2022. We have a billionaire who sold himself as a “conservative outsider” to pull the wool over the eyes of the North Dakota electorate who felt that the endorsed candidate was too liberal. It is unfortunate that money trumps wisdom in politics, but when voters don’t do their homework, it can. I remember the smearing and demeaning postcards used against the late Wayne Stenehjem. 

The founders of both the US and North Dakota Constitutions knew how dangerous rich men can be to our Representative Republic. That is why they built in the concept of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances so that no one branch of government would become too powerful. 

This governor is the first and only to form a political action committee called the “Dakota Leadership PAC” to snuff out the conservatives of the Republican Party. Ask yourself, why would there be so much money, tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, coming into rural SW North Dakota from PACs, lobbyists and a rich Governor? He supports candidates who make great puppets for his agenda, that’s why.

He is violating the law in both the letter and the spirit. He has bought and paid for the endorsed candidates in District 39. The only way he can be stopped is by the grass roots Republicans who seem to be the only ones who still believe in the Bill of Rights and the purpose of the US and ND Constitutions.

Dale Burwick
Dickinson, ND

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