Published May 11, 2022

Park District Board Candidates

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan

MINOT — The Minot Park District has five candidates running for three positions.

The three incumbents whose terms are up, Perry Olson, Mike Schmitt, and Charles Emery are running again.

Olson grew up in Minot, graduated from Minot State University, previously worked for KXMC-TV, and currently works for First International Bank & Trust. He says he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children.

“I have enjoyed my time with the Park District, and during the first four years the acquisition of the City Recreation Department into the District has proven to be a massive success,” said Olson. “I look forward to being a part of more enhancements like that should the voters choose to re-elect me to my seat. My goal is to continually enhance quality of life through parks and recreation offerings in our community. I feel I’ve done that in the first four years and would love to have the chance to continue that work.”

Schmitt has lived in Minot his entire life with his wife, Beth, having raised two boys and has four grandchildren. He currently works for the U.S. Government as an investigator.

“[My] goal for my second term is [to] continue great park/rec services at a good value to the citizens of Minot and surrounding areas. [My] main objective is to get a field house built with year around turf for multiple activities use,” said Schmitt.

Emery served in the U.S. Air Force for 28 years and was the first general manager for the Maysa Arena. He and his wife have three children and nine grandchildren.

“I am proud of the many accomplishments we have achieved in the past eight years,” said Emery. “A few of those are the new Tiger and Lion Exhibits, expansion of Maysa Arena, completion of flood recovery items, and the Minot Parks absorbing the Minot Recreation department. We have completed these projects with very little increase in the tax collection on the citizens of Minot. We have a number of projects in works that I hope to continue to be involved with. The new Leopard Exhibit, partnership with the Discovery Center, the family recreation center on the west side of Minot, and the upgrades at the Auditorium and Maysa Arena property. I am thankful the citizens of Minot have trusted me with the position on this board and hope that trust continues for another four-year term.”

Logan Longtin and Justin Hammer are also running.

Longtin graduated from the University of North Dakota and is an educator for at-risk-youth in Minot.

“I want to be a good steward for Minot’s parks,” said Longtin. “I see a lot of opportunities for further development of our community’s public spaces, and I hope to be a positive force on the Park Board in continuing to push Minot in the right direction.”

Hammer has a degree from the University of North Dakota and oversees Investor’s Management and Marketing (IMM’s) corporate and property management operations.

“I believe the Park District has a major role in allowing different user groups to grow,” said Hammer. “Whether it is youth fastpitch softball, hockey, baseball or wrestling to name a few the park district needs to continue to develop and grow these relationships to help these groups grow. On the flip side these user groups also need to do their part building these relationships and grow the partnership to give themselves the ability to grow and offer more to their participants. I am excited to see how MAYSA Arena and the Auditorium can be expanded and remodeled to aid in the quality of life and the economic impact of the community.”
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