Published May 5, 2022

Letter to the Editor

Written by
Jonathan Starr
| The Dakotan
In the opinion of Jonathan Starr
In the opinion of Jonathan Starr

In response to Shane McLoughlin's letter to the editor. He seems like a nice man and sincere about his comments but 10 years in Minot doesn't come close to the Midwest Federal Building, that's the period of time it was closed. Let me explain. I came to Minot in 1958 after spending two years with the Marines. Having been in the San Diego area all that time, I loved the tall buildings - their majesty. In 1961, Morgan and Oswood Construction built the beautiful 8-story building with a large "M" on top. It immediately became the landmark on the prairie. People from all the area communities came here and would visit it. It was the go-to spot for 90% of the area. It gave us community pride. Pride is good for a community. You never had a chance to witness that. Those of us who were fortunate to feel the pride will remember this and we're on the verge of bringing that back. The big "M" stood for Minot. Community pride is contagious and wonderful. We have rural commissioners who don't seem to care about Minot. Nearly 70% of the Ward County population lives in Minot, and we don't have a commissioner in the city limits. This is unacceptable to many of us. Area counties have districts. If Ward County did this, Minot would be assured of 3 commissioners for certain and a good possibility of 4 commissioners. I personally prefer the way we have it but have received several phone calls wanting the district approach.

My wife and I have been blessed to have lived here for 65 years. During that period of time, we have witnessed the growth of Minot State University where we have an outstanding president in Dr. Shirley. North Dakota State Fair also has a terrific manager in Renee Korslien. I am blessed to be on the board of Norsk Hostfest that brings joy to a lot of people from Canada and the surrounding states. My wife and I believe in community pride.

In summary, a man that has lived here for 10 years, who never saw the big "M" building in operation should not be a valid critic.

Duane Brekke
Minot, North Dakota

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