Published May 27, 2022

Legislators Raise Concerns Over Governor's Campaign Contributions

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan
Representative Rick Becker, Sebastian Ertelt, Jeff Magrum, and Jeff Hoverson speak in Bismarck May 26 on the issue of Governor Doug Burgum’s campaign contributions. [Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan]
Representative Rick Becker, Sebastian Ertelt, Jeff Magrum, and Jeff Hoverson speak in Bismarck May 26 on the issue of Governor Doug Burgum’s campaign contributions. [Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan]

BISMARCK — A handful of state legislators held a press conference inside the state capitol building in Bismarck Thursday to voice their concerns about Governor Doug Burgum’s campaign contributions, calling it a possible violation of the North Dakota Constitution.

These legislators pointed to the governor's level of financial contributions to the political organization, Dakota Leadership PAC.

Representative Rick Becker, R-Dis. 7, brought up Article 5, Section 10 of the North Dakota Constitution, relating to a governor’s influence in legislative races. He also said that Gov. Burgum has funded the DLPAC “to the tune of $4.7 million.”

“In 2020, Gov. Burgum used his influence to go after conservatives. He was very successful,” said Rep. Becker. “It is improper and is likely illegal. By influencing these elections, he is subverting separations of power of the branches of government and the checks and balances therein. In most cases, by executing a plan to defeat the very candidates who were endorsed by their districts. The question [on its legality] hinges on whether there is a bonified threat. The governor routinely texts and calls legislators in an attempt to sway their vote.”

Rep. Becker spoke of when Gov. Burgum strongly encouraged him to change his vote on a certain bill, and Rep. Becker refused.

“He leaned in close, keeping a firm grip on my hand, and said, ‘You don’t want to be on the wrong side of this one,’” said Rep. Becker. “I wouldn’t consider that a threat, I would consider it a strong nudge. But could it, in the context that there is a multi-million-dollar PAC out there that will take out anybody who opposes the governor?”

Representative Sebastian Ertelt, R-Dis. 26, and current state senate candidate for Dis. 28, said there are 14 legislative districts with contested Republican primary races, 7 for the Senate and 13 for the House.

“I urge the people to look at who is paying for political advertising in these races, and to reject the governor’s election interference through the Dakota Leadership PAC,” said Rep. Ertelt. “I also call on Gov. Burgum to stop this interference in our elections and undermining of our constitutional republic which calls for a separation of powers.”

Representative Jeffery Magrum, R-Dis. 28, and current state senate candidate for Dis. 8, spoke of several issues that he believes those being opposed by Gov. Burgum's money fought for, such as anti-mandate bills, pro-life bills, lowering property tax bills, and more. He also mentioned another political organization called Brighter Future Alliance, which he said financially supports mail attacking him, Rep. Ertelt, and Representative Jeff Hoverson, R-Dis. 3.

“It’s literally hate-mail,” said Rep. Magrum. “I think it’s odd that they’re targeting the same people as the Dakota Leadership PAC."

“Some people have speculated that they’re working together. That’s purely speculation,” Rep. Becker clarified.

Rep. Hoverson said that he had contacted several departments on this issue after the PAC sent out mail about 2020 state treasurer candidate Daniel Johnston, saying that was an attack that violated the North Dakota Century Code.

“It’s misleading,” said Rep. Hoverson. “It claimed that he cheated on his taxes, and he did not.”

Following the legislators' press conference, Gov. Burgum issued a statement which said:

"Supporting candidates who best understand what it takes to protect our freedoms, strengthen North Dakota’s economy, cut red tape, and continue moving our great state forward has been a focus of mine for decades. Dakota Leadership PAC has earned my support because they are promoting healthy competition in Republican primaries, which ultimately empowers voters with more choices and greater transparency.

While not involved in the day-to-day decision-making of DLPAC, I strongly support its mission to elect conservative Republicans who want to improve North Dakota.

Being an elected official at the local, state, or federal level doesn’t mean giving up your ability to support the candidates you believe will do the best job for your state and country.

Just as legislators have regularly contributed in recent years to the campaigns of executive branch candidates for office, we will continue to support legislative candidates who can help North Dakota realize its full potential."
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