Published April 18, 2022

NDHP Ramping Up Enforcement Efforts for 4/20

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

Drug-impaired driving has become an increasing danger on North Dakota roadways. In recent years, several states have passed laws allowing marijuana use on a recreational or medical basis, but it is illegal to use marijuana and then drive.

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, there will likely be an increase in marijuana use. April 20th (more commonly known as 4/20) has become synonymous with marijuana use and known as a marijuana “holiday.”

To help keep drug-impaired drivers off the roads, the North Dakota Highway Patrol, along with law enforcement agencies nationwide, will be ramping up enforcement efforts April 18-21 to spread the message that drug-impaired driving of any kind is dangerous and illegal.

In the last five years, 222 people in North Dakota have died in crashes involving impaired drivers. Nationally, approximately 46% of drivers who are killed in crashes and tested for drugs, test positive. It has been proven that THC can slow reaction times, impair cognitive performance, and make it more difficult for drivers to keep a steady position in their lane.

NDHP Assistant Operations Commander Lt. Adam Dvorak stated, “If you use marijuana and choose to drive, you are not only threatening your personal safety; but the safety of other motorists, passengers and pedestrians. It is the responsibility of all drivers to obey the law and to make safe responsible choices, which means giving your keys to a sober driver or using a ride sharing service.”

By working together: drivers making responsible choices and law enforcement removing impaired drivers from the road; we can save lives and keep North Dakota roadways safe.

For more information on impaired driving, visit

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