Published December 13, 2021

MHS Soccer Coach Done

Written by
Jason Spain
| The Dakotan
Creighton Bachmeier [Photo: submitted]
Creighton Bachmeier [Photo: submitted]

Bachmeier quits to spend more with family

MINOT—Creighton Bachmeier was hired eight years ago to lead the Minot High School boys’ soccer team. He led Minot to eight straight state tournament appearances.  This past fall there was 10 former Minot High boys’ soccer players playing collegiate soccer. A clear sign of a coach that focuses on development and process.  

When asked what his overall record was at Minot High, Bachmeier said, “I just finished eight years as coach, and I never once looked at my wins and losses.”  

Bachmeier may not have focused on wins, but the wins did pile up for him, as he accumulated double digit wins in every season. 

The process is more important than the record but focusing on the process had an impact not just on the team’s record but also on students' lives.  

“The players have taught me to be more patient, I have developed more of an understanding of what kids are trying to communicate verbally or non-verbally. You try and soak all of that in to make a quality decision to help them. Whether it be tactics, academics, or even a social thing,” Bachmeier said. He went on to say he feels this experience will make him a better father.   

Bachmeier’s former players tell similar stories about his focus as well. Former player Avery Weishaar said, “He was a great coach and a role model. I learned a lot from him, and he helped me develop as a player and a person. I love the guy, and I wish him the best.”  

Josh Johannsen, another former player off playing college soccer, said, “Creighton is someone who has helped me grow as a soccer player and a leader. My best memories from high school soccer stem from Creighton Bachmeier.” 

Bachmeier just had his second child.  With two young ones at home, he said felt it is best for his family to step away from coaching. Bachmeier said he will likely be on the sidelines again someday when his kids are older. When asked if he will be interested in the new high school position, Bachmeier said, “My house is on the south side. I am Minot High alumni. I played there, and if given a choice I would choose Minot High."
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