10:45 a.m., Nov. 8 -- The ND House Delayed Bills Committee is about to convene in the Pioneer Room of the Capitol building. The committee members have their work cut out for them today, since there are approximately 20 bills for them to consider in the next 2+ hours. There are 8 members of this committee, and the Pioneer Room is set up for 24 visitors. Right now, it is beyond Standing Room Only in here: there are at least 70 spectators in here.
Because these are delayed bills, no public testimony is allowed on these bills in this committee meeting. Only the sponsor of a bill may speak to the committee, and the testimony by each sponsor is expected to be very short. This could get interesting, to say the least.
According to Chairman Pollert (Rep. Pollert, R-Dis. 29), only bills that proceed past the delayed bills committee will be given a bill number.