Deer Kill Widespread

Baiting Ban Expansion Possible BOTTINEAU – The precise effect of an outbreak of epizootic hemorrhagic disease in the state this year remains unclear, but there is little doubt that it was substantial. The disease, known commonly as EHD, resulted in the deaths of many white-tailed deer over much of North Dakota, primarily the western half.  “There was pretty dramatic mortality in the state,” said Charlie Bahnson, North Dakota Game […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 24, 2021

Multi-State CMS Lawsuit Awaits Ruling

A Missouri judge is considering a lawsuit asking for an injunction against a federal rule requiring most hospital and clinic workers be vaccinated against COVID-19.  Attorneys General of 10 states, including North Dakota, sued the Biden Administration on November 10th, less than a week after the federal government announced a final rule for Centers for […]
by The Dakotan
November 24, 2021

Freezing Drizzle Causing Slick Roads

Much of North Central North Dakota is experiencing steady freezing drizzle this morning. The result has been slick, icy roads from Stanley to Granville, from Max north to the Canadian border, and from Velva to Portal. The National Weather Service issued a special weather statement at 8:25 a.m. indicating that the freezing drizzle is possible […]
by The Dakotan
November 24, 2021

Corps Completes Repairs at Lake Audubon

Boat Ramp, Release Tunnel Fixed  COLEHARBOR – Fishermen and water enthusiasts will be greeted with a much improved boat ramp on Lake Audubon next spring. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers took advantage of a fall drawdown of the popular lake to remove cracked and broken sections of the Totten Trail boat ramp and replace them with new concrete.  “We […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 23, 2021

The Dakotan Welcomes Letters to the Editor

Here at The Dakotan, we are pursuing our desire to become a full-service media organization serving the great state of North Dakota. We want to take the best of all the media worlds and combine them together. We want to take the best of the written word, but without the cost of paper and ink, […]
by Greg Demme
November 23, 2021

Kitchen Grease Fire Damages Duplex in NW Minot

Minot Fire Department successfully battled a small kitchen fire in northwest Minot Monday evening. Crews were dispatched to 435 2nd Ave NW Minot at about 6 p.m. to extinguish a blaze caused by a stovetop grease fire. Firefighters watched smoke billow from the door of the home and extinguished the fire within minutes of arriving. […]
by The Dakotan
November 23, 2021

Game and Fish Briefs

Collective Effort to Save Native Grasslands Unveiled  The North Dakota Game and Fish Department announces a new statewide strategy that will team landowners, conservation groups, scientists, and others to enhance, restore, and sustain native grasslands in North Dakota.  The vision of the Meadowlark Initiative, named after the state’s iconic, yet declining Western meadowlark, is to promote […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 23, 2021

Rising on the Skyline

Discovery Center overlooks city MINOT – Sitting on an overlook atop North Hill, on the east side of North Broadway, it is becoming the most notable feature on the Minot skyline. Construction of the Discovery Center is expected to be completed sometime in 2022.  The Discovery Center was spawned by what was originally a seasonal children’s museum opened in 2014 inside the Dakota […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 22, 2021

Senate Approves Congressional Gold Medals for Troops Killed in Kabul Airport Attack

The 13 U.S. service members killed in a suicide bombing in Kabul in August are on track to receive Congress' highest honor after the Senate unanimously approved posthumously awarding them the Congressional Gold Medal. The Senate vote Wednesday night comes after the House approved the medals last month and sends the bill to. . . […]
by The Dakotan
November 22, 2021

Candle Responsible for House Fire

Firefighters save all four pets and the home The Minot Fire Department says an unattended candle is responsible for a house fire in southwest Minot. Firefighters responded to a reported house fire at 315 16th ST SW Monday morning. Upon arrival, crews found smoke coming from the basement of the home. Within minutes the Minot […]
by The Dakotan
November 22, 2021

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