
Busy Day for the House Delayed Bills Committee

Only 8 of 20 bills advance to be heard further BISMARCK—The first day of the North Dakota Legislature’s Special Session was jam packed, and perhaps no one had a busier day than the members of the House Delayed Bills Committee. This five-member committee was tasked with hearing approximately 20 bills that had been submitted on […]
by Greg Demme
November 8, 2021

We The People Rally

Legislators Acknowledge the Passion of Rally Supporters It began with a warm welcome by Chris Berg, followed by an opening prayer by Pastor Kurt Chaffee, and a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by Blind Joe. Then the crowd of more than 2,000 began to cheer for rally organizer Jay Lundeen, Chair of District […]
by The Dakotan
November 8, 2021

Hundreds gather in Capitol building

Update: 3:45 p.m., Nov. 8 -- Excitement turned to confusion turned to discontent. An estimated 700 people waited for more than an hour to hear a press conference that had been announced for the main hall of the Capitol for 3 p.m. They waited in vain, because both the place and time of the press […]
by The Dakotan
November 8, 2021

Capitol Rally

Large turnout for rally on capitol grounds  BISMARCK 1:21 P.M. -- A crowd estimated at 2,500 or more filled the lawn in front of the Capitol Building today. The “We The People” rally got underway at noon with an enthusiastic gathering celebrating the theme of the event – We will not Comply, a reaction primarily to vaccine mandates that […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 8, 2021

No Election Integrity Bills Advance from House Delayed Bills Committee

1:00 p.m., Nov. 8 -- Neither of Rep. Jeff Magrum's (R-Dis.28, Hazelton) election integrity bills advanced from the House Delayed Bills Committee. There was bipartisan support for killing these bills; neither received a motion from anyone on the committee to advance to the Joint Technical Correction Committee. The reasons given for not supporting the election […]
by Greg Demme
November 8, 2021

Interesting Trend in House Delayed Bills Committee

12:30 p.m., Nov. 8 -- So far, nearly every bill that has failed to advance out of the House Delayed Bills Committee has failed because Republican Majority Leader Chet Pollert (R-Dis. 29, Carrington) has voted along with the two democrats on the committee, Rep. Boschee (D-Dis. 44, Fargo) and Rep. Mitskog (D-Dis. 25, Wahpeton), and […]
by Greg Demme
November 8, 2021

House Committee Advances COVID Vaccination Bill to Entire House

11:50 a.m., Nov. 8 -- The House Delayed Bills Committee has just voted to advance Rep. Bob Paulson's (R-Dis. 3) COVID vaccine discrimination bill to be heard by the Joint Technical Corrections Committee (the next step in the process). Rep. Paulson's bill mirrors the bill passed into law by the State of MT, which prohibits […]
by Greg Demme
November 8, 2021

Senate Majority Leader makes opening statement

"Welcome back. This isn't just simple redistricting. We have other things like the American Rescue Plan. We have social freedom issues that have to be dealt with. Our goal is 5 days. Everything has to be done in 5 days. It is possible. Work Saturday? There is that possibility. If we can finish up and […]
by Kim Fundingsland
November 8, 2021

ND House Delayed Bills Committee About to Begin

10:45 a.m., Nov. 8 -- The ND House Delayed Bills Committee is about to convene in the Pioneer Room of the Capitol building. The committee members have their work cut out for them today, since there are approximately 20 bills for them to consider in the next 2+ hours. There are 8 members of this […]
by Greg Demme
November 8, 2021

State of the State Address

10:35 a.m. Nov. 8 -- Gov. Doug Burgum just delivered his State of the State Address to the ND legislature. He briefly mentioned re-districting and then spent the rest of his address talking about the financial state of the state, including current investment fund balances and his desires for spending the $1.4 billion available to […]
by Greg Demme
November 8, 2021

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