Rattlesnakes and Bear Breath 

A Slice of Life  What follows is somewhat difficult to write. However, I can assure you, dear reader, that my intention is not to sway anyone into thinking I am some sort of fearless adventurer. Quite the opposite, more an example of why women live longer than men.   As you will see, and undoubtedly agree, […]
by Kim Fundingsland
March 5, 2023

Saturday’s ND High School Sports Scores 

The Associated Press  Girl’s Hockey State Tournament at Minot  Championship  Fargo North/South 2, Fargo Davies 0  Third Place  Minot 4, Bismarck Legacy 1  GIRLS PREP BASKETBALL  Class B  State Tournament  Championship  Central Cass 58, Thompson 55  Third Place=  Rugby 46, Garrison 45  Fifth Place  Edgeley/K-M 63, Langdon-Edmore-Munich 37  Seventh Place  Bowman County 55, Kenmare-Bowbells-Burke Central […]
by AP - The Dakotan
March 5, 2023

Friday’s ND High School Sports Scores 

Girl’s State Hockey Tournament at Minot  Semi-Finals  Fargo Davies 1, Minot 0  Fargo North/South 5, Bismarck Legacy 1  Consolation Bracket  Bismarck Century 3, West Fargo 1  Grand Forks 2, Mandan 1  GIRLS PREP BASKETBALL  NDHSAA Class B  State Tournament  Consolation Semifinal  Edgeley/K-M 51, Kenmare/Bowbells Co-op 47  Langdon-Edmore-Munich 54, Bowman County 48  Championship Semifinal  Central Cass […]
by AP - The Dakotan
March 4, 2023

North Dakota Human Trafficking Discussion 

Dakota Hope Hosts Event  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – Human trafficking is increasingly becoming a topic of discussion, and one event gave an overview of the problem specifically in North Dakota.  Dakota Hope Clinic hosted an event earlier this week discussing the topic at length, featuring a presentation by Sarah Johnston of Bismarck, navigator for the central […]
by Lydia Hoverson
March 4, 2023

Legislature Considers Naming Shortest Highway 

Highway 91 Near Harvey  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State Legislature can be full of many complicated bills, but some are simple and lighthearted.  The House Political Subdivisions heard Senate Bill 2146 Friday. The bill would designate Highway 91 near Harvey as the shortest highway in North Dakota and would have the Department of […]
by Lydia Hoverson
March 3, 2023

Here We Snow Again 

Biggest Impact Expected in Southern ND  BISMARCK – A large area of southern North Dakota appears to be in the bullseye as a weather system is expected to bring significant snowfall to the state once again.   The heaviest snowfall, up to 8 inches, is expected from Dickinson to Bismarck, nearly to Jamestown. Minot is […]
by Kim Fundingsland
March 3, 2023

Lake Sakakawea Forecast 

Latest Runoff Projections from USACE  RIVERDALE – The March forecast of annual spring runoff into the Missouri River Basin has increased from a month earlier.   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers now projects runoff to be 21.5-million-acre feet of water. That compares to 21.1 MAF in the February outlook. The historic average is 25.7 MAF.  […]
by Kim Fundingsland
March 3, 2023

Fatal Crash near Minto 

ND Highway Patrol   What: Fatality   Where: Walsh County Road 15 approximately 8 miles east of Minto   When: 21:29 PM on March 2, 2023   Road Conditions: Good   Weather Conditions: Windy, clear   Crash Involvement: 1 vehicle   Type of Crash: Rollover   Agencies Involved: Walsh County Sheriff’s Office, Minto Fire, Minto Ambulance Service […]
by The Dakotan
March 3, 2023

Library, Citizens Discuss Book Legislation 

Meeting on How Books are Processed  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – Two bills with the intent to keep certain books away from minors were discussed at length at a recent public meeting.  The Minot Public Library held a meeting this week to talk to citizens and parents about the process of how books are chosen for the library.  […]
by Lydia Hoverson
March 3, 2023

Thursday's High School Sports Scores 

The Associated Press  Girl’s Hockey Championship at Minot  Quarterfinals  Fargo Davies 5, Bismarck Century2  Minot 4, West Fargo 3  Fargo North/South 3, GFC/GFRR 1  Bismarck Legacy 5, Mandan 1  GIRLS PREP BASKETBALL  NDHSAA Class B  State Tournament at Minot  Quarterfinal  Central Cass 61, Bowman County 28  Garrison 45, Kenmare/Bowbells Co-op 33  Rugby 67, Langdon-Edmore-Munich 48  […]
by AP - The Dakotan
March 3, 2023

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