Mister Chief Clerk 

Reading Bills for 18 Years  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – In North Dakota the titles of legislative bills are read to both the State House and State Senate.   Who reads the titles on the House side?  Buell Reich, Bismarck, chief clerk for the House side, said his job includes taking care of all the bills that […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 9, 2023

The Silence of the Owl 

A Slice of Life  Sometimes a person needs to listen to the silence.  Our world is filled with sounds of all sorts, so much so that most of us don’t even realize it. There’s cheering and chatter, the closing of car doors, noise of traffic, televisions, ring tones of cell phones -- even our own […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 9, 2023

Watford City Boy Killed on Bicycle  

North Dakota Highway Patrol  What: Fatality   Where: 1200 block of Main Street in Watford City, North Dakota   When: April 8th, 2023, at approximately 0650 PM SCT   Road Conditions: dry   Weather Conditions: Clear, Sunny   Crash Involvement: Vehicle vs Pedestrian   Agencies Involved: North Dakota Highway Patrol, Watford City Police Department, McKenzie […]
by The Dakotan
April 9, 2023

Boatload of Proposed Constitutional Measures This Year

Lawmakers Sort Out Resolutions lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  BISMARCK – There is no limit to how many constitutional measures can be placed on a ballot in North Dakota, but the upcoming 2024 ballot looks like it may have a hefty amount due to the many legislative resolutions introduced this session, according to state legislators. The legislature has been […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 8, 2023

Chippewa Woman Named North Dakota Poet Laureate 

By TRISHA AHMED Associated Press/Report for America  North Dakota lawmakers have appointed a Chippewa woman as the state's poet laureate, making her the first Native American to hold this position in the state and increasing attention to her expertise on the troubled history of Native American boarding schools.  Denise Lajimodiere, a citizen of the Turtle […]
by AP - The Dakotan
April 7, 2023

Lawmakers Change Child Labor Laws for Sports 

Fourteen-Year-Old Workers Past 9 P.M.  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State Senate passed a bill Friday that would allow 14- and 15-year-olds to work past 9 p.m. at sports events in the summer months.  North Dakotans must be 14 years old to be employed, and currently youth 14 and 15 years old can work […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 7, 2023

Sakakawea Outlook Increased 

Expected Runoff Climbs Above Average  RIVERDALE – Lake Sakakawea is now expected to reach a peak elevation four feet higher than predicted one month ago.  According to the April projections from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the state’s largest body of water will reach 1,836.6 feet in late July. That compares to a peak […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 7, 2023

House Votes for Legal Immigration Office 

A Strategy in Helping Workforce Shortages  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House has passed a bill that would create an office of legal immigration, which lawmakers say is one way to help the workforce and retention crisis.  Senate Bill 2142 would appropriate $485,000 to the Department of Commerce to create an office of […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 7, 2023

State Meal Reimbursement Increased 

Passes Senate, House  BISMARCK -- The amount of money state employees, legislators included, are to be reimbursed for meal expenses has been increased by the North Dakota Legislature.  The Senate passed SB2124 43-4 and sent it to the House where it initially failed 31-59 but passed a reconsideration vote the following day 59-32. Because the […]
by Kim Fundingsland
April 7, 2023

House Extends Time Limits for Sexual Assault Lawsuits 

Bill Previously Passed Senate  BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House passed a bill this week to change the window of time for a person to file a lawsuit on the grounds of sexual assault.  The current statute of limitation in the century code for someone to sue if they were sexually assaulted as an […]
by Lydia Hoverson
April 7, 2023

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