
Category: Columns

Amazing Bird Encounters 

A Slice of Life  kim.fundingsland@mydakotan,com I saw my first whooping crane sometime in the 1970s. There were nine of the endangered birds on the ground near Crosby.   I also remember there were about 50 uniformed agents, mostly from the Fish and Wildlife Service, keeping watch over the tall birds. The total population at the time […]
by Kim Fundingsland
December 18, 2022

The Electric Chair 

Slice of Life  A goal of all writers is, or should be, to attract attention. Some of us have devised clever ways to do that. Hence the headline, the “Electric Chair.”   But wait, I am not all deception here. This is not one of those “gotcha” gimmicks where you have to read a bunch […]
by Kim Fundingsland
December 11, 2022

A Talking Dog 

Slice of Life  Okay. I get it. You’ve already concluded that this author is as goofy as a dog eating peanut butter.  Wait a minute now. We all like peanut butter, dogs included.   Now that I’ve lured you in with that infallible statement, please read on. You’ll be better for it, or confirm beyond any […]
by Kim Fundingsland
December 4, 2022

Tomato Harvest 

Provident Home Companion  The biggest reason to garden is for tomatoes, isn't it? Those tasty, tangy-sweet fruits are the highlight of summer. No grocery store variety comes even close to what comes out of a garden. But the delight of summer tomatoes is too quickly gone.    Fall frosts always come too early, robbing us of […]
by Charlene Nelson
October 3, 2022

Autumn Outdoors 

The Grandest of Seasons  Each season of the year, which is easily identified in a climate like North Dakota’s, has its unique and wonderful appeal. But, for me, fall is a favorite time of year, and the longer the fall season the better.  Sure, autumn means that summer activities have come to a close and […]
by Kim Fundingsland
October 2, 2022

Highway Isolation?… 

Upside Down Under  Most of us love North Dakota because of the sunsets, fishing, hunting and open roads. I love the open roads.  We may not have the longest open road opportunities, but we are certainly up there toward the top. You can look at a map of the state and find long, straight highways […]
by Marvin Baker
October 2, 2022

The WPA – a treasure for ducks and more 

Northern Celebrations  North Dakota may be a leading agricultural and energy producing state, but it takes the lead in another category treasured by many who love the outdoors – waterfowl production and habitat.  The state is in the heart of the Prairie Pothole Region, AKA the “Duck Factory” of the United States.  The Prairie Pothole […]
by Jonathan Starr
October 1, 2022

Teaching Older Children about Money 

Budget Wise  It's important to start teaching children about finances when they are young so that they are fluent in the language of economy. Last week I talked about how to teach the youngest children about money. This week let's look at what your elementary-school and middle-school aged children should understand.    Teach about opportunity cost  […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 28, 2022

When You Can’t Control the Windchill, Take Control of Your Story

She's Not from Around Here PIX- MINOT--I’m not an expert at many things. A lover of learning, I tend to soak up information and skills, without ever committing them to lifelong practice. This comes in handy because I know a little bit about a lot of bits. If I need to know more, I can […]
by Amy Allender
September 27, 2022

Time to Buy Honey 

Provident Home Companion  Admit it. We all have a sweet tooth. We really can’t do without our sugar. Well, we can, but who really wants to?  That's why sugar or honey is a cornerstone of your basic long-term food storage. But storing sugar can be problematic. Even the slightest amount of moisture can cause sugar […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 26, 2022
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