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Amy Allender

When You Can’t Control the Windchill, Take Control of Your Story

She's Not from Around Here PIX- MINOT--I’m not an expert at many things. A lover of learning, I tend to soak up information and skills, without ever committing them to lifelong practice. This comes in handy because I know a little bit about a lot of bits. If I need to know more, I can […]
by Amy Allender
September 27, 2022

If You're Bored, You're Doing It Wrong

Hot Dish Lifestyle MINOT--Hello Hot Dishers! If you are in Minot, or within driving distance and you aren’t having fun this weekend, you’re doing it wrong. Actually, for the rest of the month, if you stay home and claim there’s nothing to do—you’re doing it wrong. There is so much going on, and just not […]
by Amy Allender
September 22, 2022

Scandimonium, Return of Norsk Høstfest

She's Not From Around Here MINOT--It happened while my family was at Logger Fest over the weekend. I was standing to the side of the bouncy-house obstacle course, waiting for my son to come down the final slide, when I heard foreign speech behind me.   In another place I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. […]
by Amy Allender
September 20, 2022

Trash Christmas

She's Not From Around Here  MINOT--My favorite biannual holiday starts on Monday.  That’s right, I’m talking about Trash Christmas.  I know a lot of new folks have moved into Minot since the last Trash Christmas, so I thought it only fair to write about it again. (Read my first article on Spring Trash Christmas, here.) […]
by Amy Allender
September 15, 2022

Hot Dish Land 

Out and About Happenings  MINOT--There are very few things I enjoy hearing less than the words, “There’s nothing to do in Minot.” I’ve spent the last three years intentionally combating this phrase, and the negativity that comes with it.  Before a new transplant arrives in Minot, they have often already been conditioned to believe they […]
by Amy Allender
September 13, 2022

Participation and Enthusiasm

She's Not from Around Here amy.allender@mydakotan.com MINOT— On Monday, I went to the Soggy Doggy Pool Paw-ty at Roosevelt Park Pool. My sons and I found seats on the bleachers to watch dogs jump from diving boards and wade in the kiddie pool. As I sat there, reveling in the wonderous thing it is to […]
by Amy Allender
September 8, 2022

NoDak Bar Culture and a Perfect Bar Recipe 

She’s Not From Around Here  Amy.allender@mydakotan.com  MINOT -- “Are you willing to bring a pan of bars for the after-funeral luncheon?”   This sentence was written in a now nearly-decade-old email.  As I read and reread that first request for bars, I could surmise the term was referring to dessert. What on earth was a […]
by Amy Allender
September 1, 2022

She's Not from Around Here

“No sane person would choose to leave Florida to live in North Dakota."  Amy.allender@mydakotan.com  I read that quote in a news article a couple weeks ago. When my eyes ran across the words, I nearly spit out my coffee, choking back a laugh.  The next day, friends came over for taco night and I told […]
by Amy Allender
August 25, 2022

You'll See

MINOT--“I see you here a lot,” said the man who held the door for me as we simultaneously left the library.  “Yeah,” I replied, while shoving my now-empty coffee mug into my bag. “I come here to work when my husband is home with our kids. I’m close enough that I can be home in […]
by Amy Allender
August 18, 2022

The Tried and True Secret to Thriving Where You Are

Today, I’m going to tell you a secret. To understand the secret, you’ll need to know the question I’m asked most often: Why, Minot? As in, “Why do you insist on liking Minot so much?” I get this question all the time. Until the moment my husband told me he’d been assigned to Minot, Air […]
by Amy Allender
August 11, 2022
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