Published April 4, 2024

Jared Hendrix Announces Campaign for State House in Fargo’s District 10

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The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

FARGO, ND - Today, Jared Hendrix launched his campaign for State House in District 10 in Fargo. On April 2nd, he was endorsed by local Republicans.

“North Dakota has tremendous opportunities. We have all we need for success and self sufficiency – agriculture, oil, coal, water aquifers, rail infrastructure, a growing tech industry and, most importantly of all, the best people,” said Hendrix. “We have every reason to be optimistic at what we can accomplish, working together.”

Hendrix’s professional background includes retail, warehousing, construction, and a few years of manual labor in the North Dakota oil fields. He’s owned a small consulting business for 10 years, which provides strategic planning, marketing and other services. Over the last several years, he has helped train and activate thousands of grassroots citizens across the state. He has a passion for teaching people to understand and utilize the political process in their communities. Hendrix holds an Associate’s Degree in Computer Arts from Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, VA.

“I want to be a voice for everyone who’s out there working hard but still struggling. Like most people, my monthly bills have skyrocketed due to inflation. This is partly due to politicians overspending on waste or handouts to the politically well-connected. This robs from needed infrastructure, schools, and other legitimate government functions.”

In 2022, Hendrix successfully led a statewide ballot initiative that applied term limits on the office of North Dakota governor, and the state legislature. Facing opposition from both political parties, legislative leadership, and every special interest lobbyist in the state, the campaign prevailed with support from a wide array of voters across the political spectrum. Currently, he is the Chair of Retire Congress North Dakota, which seeks to put 80-year age limits on North Dakota’s members of congress. “We must tackle the problem of career politicians who spend decades in office and never leave. It should be public service, not a path to personal power and enrichment. Our leaders should be mentally and physically able to do their job, and in tune with the issues facing growing families.”

Born and raised in Virginia, the proud son of a Naval veteran turned career law enforcement officer and a loving homemaker, Hendrix moved to North Dakota over 10 years ago. “Frankly, I fell in love with the people and the prairie. There’s a peace and freedom here that you can feel in your soul. It’s a special place, and an out of state perspective helps you really see it.”

On the issues, Hendrix stressed the importance of keeping taxes low, cutting government waste, and protecting family values. Hendrix continued, “If elected, I plan to take an ax to the hundreds of millions spent every biennium on corporate handouts to special interests. It is unacceptable for the legislature to appropriate public funds for these purposes.” He advocated an aggressive approach to the dramatic increase of violent crime in Cass County, and the dangerous risk of terrorism that comes from open borders. “Our criminal and legal system often punishes many severely for small crimes like marijuana possession, while letting violent criminals off easy. This will be stopped.”

“We have many great teachers, but our education system is not delivering. We’ve been sidetracked by different ideologies and political agendas, while our math and reading proficiencies are in decline. It’s time to get back to the basics and increase parental involvement. We have billions in state funds, let’s invest them in our children’s future instead of risky Wall Street securities. The legislature should fully fund K-12 schools, so voters aren’t continually asked to pay more in property taxes.”

“Politics is divisive in ways it shouldn’t be,” added Hendrix. “Legislators should stand firm on what they believe, but collaborate where they can. There's a potent mix of both fear and uncertainty in the world today. Economic concerns, along with advancements in AI, robotics and Big Data are very rapidly changing the world in ways we can’t even imagine. The leaders we choose will help determine whether these technologies serve the interests of people and families, or the other way around.”

“In a nutshell - God, family, community,” concluded Hendrix. “These are the cornerstones that strengthen society, uplift people, and provide equal opportunity to all. That is the great dream of America, and it belongs to all of us.”

District 10 includes parts of Fargo, including the main Sanford Hospital, Urban Plains, West Acres and surrounding areas.

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