Published February 20, 2024

Olson Seeks District 38 House Seat

Lisa Olson release

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

Lisa Olson announces that she is seeking election, as a Republican, to the State House of Representatives from District 38. She currently serves on Minot’s City Council; a seat that she was originally elected to in 2010. Throughout her tenure on city council, she has been elected Council Vice President and Council President. She has served on a number of committees, which Olson believes gives her a wide range of experiences. “Committee work allows individuals to discuss topics and find the best path forward” states Olson. She currently serves on the Souris Basin Planning Council Executive Board, as its treasurer as well as the newly created Central Dakota MPO.

Olson chose to run for the North Dakota House of Representatives because she understands that District 38 and the surrounding area needs an experienced, informed voice who is prepared to start representing as soon as they are elected. “With the loss of some veteran local legislators and the possibility of an abolishment of property taxes, legislators will have to hit the ground running. I am prepared to be that representative.” Key topics that will impact District 38 include continued flood protection, ongoing infrastructure needs and the possibility of managing funding for political subdivisions, based on the outcome of an anticipated property tax measure.

Olson believes that her experiences as an educator, urban and rural property owner, elected official, parent and community advocate have prepared her well for the state legislature.” Having voted on nearly 7,000 agenda items as an Alderwoman, I understand the breadth of understanding each elected official needs to have. We vote on the mundane along with the controversial items. Each outcome impacts someone.”

Olson has been a resident of Minot for 38 years. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree and Masters Degree from Minot State University. She is active at her church along with DKG, an international organization of key women educators. She and her husband Jason are parents to three adult children and nine grandchildren

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