Published November 6, 2023

Game and Fish Administrative Rules Hearing Set Dec. 12

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

ND Game and Fish release

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department will hold a public hearing to address proposed rules changes to Title 30 of the North Dakota Administrative Code. The hearing is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 12 at the agency's main office in Bismarck. 

The purpose and an explanation of the proposed rule changes are listed below.

Chapter 30-03-01.1. Section 30-03-01.1-02. Bait Definitions. An amendment to remove rainbow smelt from this section.

Chapter 30-03-01.1. Section 30-03-01.1-12. Equipment for taking legal live aquatic bait. An amendment to update equipment used for taking legal live aquatic bait.

Chapter 30-03-05. Section 30-03-05-01. Fishing contest defined. REPEAL

Chapter 30-03-05. Section 30-03-05-02. Organizations eligible. REPEAL

Chapter 30-03-05. Section 30-03-05-03. Use of proceeds. REPEAL

Chapter 30-03-05. Section 30-03-05-04. Application. Amendment to update the application process for fishing contests.

Chapter 30-03-05. Section 30-03-05-05. Fishing contest rules and regulations. Amendment to update exceptions to nongame fish, and to rules and regulations regarding the donation of fish fillets.

Chapter 30-03-05. Section 30-03-05-06. Reasons for denying permits. REPEAL

Chapter 30-03-05. Section 30-03-05-07. Post-contest report required. REPEAL

Chapter 30-03-06. Section 30-03-06-01. Equipment. An amendment to update aquatic nuisance species equipment violations for not following ANS procedures for draining and cleaning a vessel.

Chapter 30-03-06. Section 30-03-06-05. Water prohibited. Amendment to prohibit water imported from another state.

Chapter 30-03-06. Section 30-03-06-07. Penalty. Amendment to add a $250 fee for a person guilty of a noncriminal offense who violates subsection 3 of North Dakota Administrative Code section 30-03-06-05.

Chapter 30-04-02. Section 30-04-02-11. Camping. Amendment to add fish management areas.

Chapter 30-05-01. Section 30-05-01-02. Boat safety equipment. Amendment to update length of boats regarding bells and whistles and amendment to update requirements for lighting.

Chapter 30-05-01. Section 30-05-01-05. Accident Reports. Amendment to update boating accident report, time requirement to file, and how to access the report.

The proposed rules may be reviewed at the Game and Fish Department’s office at 100 N. Bismarck Expressway, Bismarck, ND 58501-5095, or website A copy of the proposed rules may be requested in writing from the above address, or by calling 701-328-6305, or emailing Written or oral comments on the proposed rules sent to the above mailing or email address, or telephone number and received by Dec. 23, 2023, will be fully considered. Anyone planning to attend the public hearing and needs special facilities or assistance relating to a disability should contact the Department at the above address or phone number at least seven days before the public hearing.

Deer Hunters Should be Aware of Early Ice

North Dakota’s deer gun season opens Nov. 10 at 12 p.m. Central time, and the state Game and Fish Department cautions deer hunters to be wary of ice conditions.

In some parts of the state, there are already smaller and mid-sized waters that show the appearance of safe ice. Even though deer might be able to make it across, it doesn’t mean hunters can.

Ice can form overnight, causing unstable conditions. Ice thickness is not consistent, as it can vary significantly within a few inches. Hunters walking the edge of a cattail slough will not find the same ice thickness in the middle, as the edges firm up faster than farther out from shore.

Hunters should be cautious of walking on frozen stock ponds, sloughs, creeks and rivers.

A few reminders:

  • Snow insulates ice, which in turn inhibits solid ice formation, and hides cracks, weak and open water areas.
  • Avoid cracks, pressure ridges, slushy or darker areas that signal thinner ice. The same goes for ice that forms around partially submerged trees, brush, embankments or other structures.
  • Daily temperature changes cause ice to expand and contract, affecting its strength.

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