Published June 10, 2023

Suicide Intervention Skills Training Session 

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation 

St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation has secured FirstLink to provide a free two day Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Session, June 14-15, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM at the Grand Hotel.  This session is provided free to participants with a grant from the St. Joseph's Community Health Foundation and is approved for 15 Credit Hours for Social Work, Nursing, EMS, and Law Enforcement professionals in North Dakota.  Registrations can be made with this link https://firstlink.arlo.co/courses/15-asist-st-josephs-community-health-foundation?e=59f09547634e4b7ea49c773374cdc387 or email sjchf@minot.com for the link. 

St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) public charity community foundation formed in June of 1998.  The Foundation has awarded over $12.6 million in grants to organizations for many worthwhile projects to assist with programs that address quality of life issues in their communities.     

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